The call of duty and uncharted engines have both aged very well.
The call of duty and uncharted engines have both aged very well.
This website is all bitching, goodbye.
I think this article is racist.
Omg who cares and why should they?
Why is this on Kotaku? I don't want to see this stuff, I'm just trying to see whats going on with video games.
I’d like to know more about this, please elaborate more.
Let’s not forgrt about “Kingdom Come Deliverance”, which should be out February 13.
Still not going to buy it and it’s all your fault. Your fault in a good way and I thank you.
Fuck off
To stop the lag, I used my chrome. This made the snap feature usable for me.
My son used mine as a piggy bank. I didn’t notice for some time, because I only buy digital. I was surprised when I watched him put money in his “piggy bank”. The rattle it made when I moved it and quarters fell out. Some are there to this day.
Doesn’t Dark Souls 2 for PS4, XBOX ONE, and last gen come out Tuesday?
You know nothing, Jon Snow
There is and there is one to play as Burt Ward. Gamestop will have a pre-order bonus to play as Alan Napier
I was thinking that Batman looked tired and this was a prequel, that maybe this game would be based off of the Knightfall comics.
the playstation 3 does all the work, think onlive on your phone