Anyone else having trouble getting Mirage to install?
Anyone else having trouble getting Mirage to install?
RunKeeper Pro! It's just so cool to track where you go and how fast you're moving either on your iPhone or online, it makes me want to get out and run more
I just used this. Simple and great! Get the HD version if you want too! Exports to just about any file type (video or just music)
I just used this. Simple and great! Get the HD version if you want too! Exports to just about any file type (video or just music)
Also, just for clarification. The student's name is Ien Chi*, not Che. Great find, Rosa!
WOW! I go to Emory (I'm a Senior in the College) and am amazed that Rosa already found this and posted on Gizmodo since the award ceremony was just tonight! Truly an amazing video and very well produced.
bleekeh FTW!
Goddamn, Jessica Alba is so beautiful.
@FriarNurgle: Yep. You can get liver ulcers from aspirin. Don't start just yet...
Will this have any effect on him getting through TSA security, having an MRI done, or engaging in rough sex? I'm guessing he can't really let his hair grow out anymore... hmm.
Wouldn't the yellow light countdown also encourage speeding to make the light and accidentally run it red? Not too sure... just a thought
Damnit, this news sucks. Didn't it seem odd that Apple didn't throw up any Beatles lyrics for its teaser? Unless I'm at loss with the millions of lyrics the Beatles have...
So much for free Skype calls :(
@spinnaker0: Hahaha, brilliant. I really hope everyone still remembers that...
Tomorrow Never Dies, anyone?
OK, I definitely still use mine everyday. It's not a dead product, especially when iPod Touches don't have the memory to hold all of my music, pictures, etc. And most 3rd party apps that allow you to stream that stuff to your iPod touch/iPhone aren't that great, require Wi-Fi or crummy networks, and come with a price.…
@FlyingAvocado: Bingo. They messed this one up. Very cool idea for a possible watch, but ehh, I don't like the video/camera downgrades. Touch isn't always the answer for everything, and I think they'll learn that the hard way.
@Naserian: Interesting. I thought the PDF exploit was only for iOS 4? I could be mistaken though since all iPhones can JailbreakMe...
@FriedPeeps: It's all about Apple keeping the demand for a much-desired feature high and marketing it off as some new, great, Apple-official improvement in their next Keynote.
In case you can't do the above for whatever reason, you can always (for your iPhone, at least) turn your phone on airplane mode as you normally would to avoid international charges, and just turn your Wi-Fi on. In a city (or even in residential areas to be honest), your phone will acknowledge surrounding networks…