
@mJusticz: Yeah, it just opened up! Oh man, and we just replaced our old bookstore for them...

Is this like what Oink.cd used to be?

Wow, Rosa! Couldn't seem to find the location of this, but is this by chance from that nasty storm that passed the Tampa/Clearwater area yesterday?

@Whoopsi: I don't understand. Just having a sensor to monitor when the pen is lifted up or put back down, coupled with some sort of chip that tracks the direction the ball in the ballpoint pen moves... isn't that enough to allow you to use any paper? I guess I'm a little confused on how their special paper works...

Wow, this looks amazing. I might not upgrade to my iPhone 4 because of this.

My coffee says to use cold, filtered water? Is there a reason for it to be cold as opposed to hot?

@AreWeThereYeti: Just because you can't see the corruption in the U.S. doesn't mean it's not there. Come on, don't be so naive! We have so many people that are much better at hiding the corruption, and that's the main difference. I have moderate political views, am an American-born citizen, and even I know that. I

@moe52: Hmm, I have iOS4 on my 3G and folder is working fine for me. What happens when you drag one app onto another app? It just tries to change the layout?

@zelannii: Do you know if you run into this issue using the free jailbreak app, "GV Mobile?"