
It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

Eh, Nintendo can do whatever they like. Its their game and if they organize tournaments its their choice how they need to be played. Even with the randomness of items a metagame can be arranged creating new tiers perhaps.

It’s a pretty ingenious move. The people who are most pissed off and inclined to misbehave can’t do anything about it all day, after which their impotent rage at “SJWs” will have subsided like a goldfish taking another lap around its bowl.

It’s a slippery slope, letting these dangerous cosplayers in the country. Next thing you know they’ll be flooding the country, taking away cosplay opportunities from Malay cosplayers. Crisis averted.

Why would they accommodate someone who got up and walked away instead of calling an official over between matches to complain about the audience member? Smash always has the most extra shit.

He got up and walked away. He wasn’t entitled to a do-over. Simple as that.

“consistently more successful than Deadspin.”

something came back with him

Seriously, Magary has been spitting straight fire after whatever happened to him, and I, for one, am here for it.

So by that logic, because The Daily Caller makes a butt-ton of money we should cut them some slack as well?

A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.

Hi, I’m the creator of BATHDOOM! If you’d like more screenshots, @doom_txt created a few side-by-side staged shots of the WAD alongside the shots of the finished bathroom:

I did it.  I really did it. Screw you dad I am the man I wanted to be.

“Mike Ogren” sounds like a rejected name from a Chris Farley skit about eating paint chips.

Sobble is the best name for a Starter ever. I wuv the little dude already.

DC-based Kotaku readers unite! On the comment thread of this silly Japanese anti-Valentine’s Day article

That’s actually pretty darn cool. I always find myself wishing some random (or plot heavy) paintings in games were available for actual purchase. There’s some very interesting paintings out there, especially in JRPG NPC houses. It’s neat that SE made this available.

I might actually buy this. Moving into a new house, need some wall decor ... and I always loved this portrait in the game. The resolution of it always seemed vastly superior to anything else in the game.

Move it up to the top of the list, VS! It’s that good.

This is an excellent read, Geebs. Thank you for sharing. I need to get to watching this show. I know, you’ve been telling me for a while now. >.<