

I'm late to the party. :)

I can't remember off the top of my head, but I believe an assignee needs to show that they've tried to contact an infringer for a year before they can force them into court.

The claims in the actual patents are so damn broad, I’m starting to wonder if they have a case against Valve. A cursory search (for Valve Corp as the assignee) shows nada to beat the dates of said patents in question.

I missed u

Just not 2016 Berserk

Thank God a certain character had an early demise, lest we would be subject to double the bad voice acting/syncing

This show is surprisingly good!



You can thank me for not getting a 0 out of 5 ;)

Seeing you play through the ruins was so painful because of the cursed trick questions you faced.

Did you purposely color coordinate your hat with the Oreos for this episode?

I honestly had to take a break reading 1Q84, since it’s way too dense and chock full of Murakami’s magic. A great read though!

I already like you

Ahh! Why did you have to remind me that Tina was gone? ;__;

I swear the reviews really don’t do the movie any justice.

With the subsequent updates to the game after release, the unintended lag from said updates can be aggravating.

That Gunbound music. Takes me way back!

There’s also an excess in NoVA, like Alexandria.