
Yep. There are a ton of deleted scenes. Youtube has a lot of them. But the DVD special features were way longer than the actual movie.

He lives on the moon, since it's made of government cheese.

Great idea! To add to that story, after getting home with my Mac-n-cheese, I pulled up to my house and noticed all the leaves in the yard were gone. The day before, I had given a poinsettia to the little old lady next door. She knows I'm single and usually get home after dark (plus it's rained every weekend for a

Ran into Target last night to grab some food on the way home. And by food, I mean I box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese (yes, I eat like a toddler.)

Things I'm sad to say I know, but I do (I watched all the special features when I didn't have cable)

"If you don't win, we'll still love you."

The timeline has always bothered me the most. Okay so we establish at some point early on that it is only 3 weeks before Christmas.


So, at the 00:36 mark, yeah, that's pretty much what I look like. I should start telling my mother, "No, I haven't gained weight, I've just been Santafied!"

Aw, I was thinking the same thing about the stairs. I actually got a mental image of the pregnant momma saying, "honey, we could slip or a toddler could fall on these, we should put carpet down." and my heart melted a little.

Too Much...

I do the same thing!!

Pounds are quite a bit more than Dollars.

She apparently produced it too.

I watched Center Stage so many times as a teenager that anytime I hear Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel" I start to twirl around like a lunatic.

Looks like I can't move to Texas.

Think of the royalties Mariah Carey has made off "All I Want For Christmas is You." She wrote that song. Every time you hear it, every time someone covers it, every time you watch Love Actually, Ms. Carey makes BANK!

Yeah, if you've been taking multivitamins to prevent heart disease and cancer, clearly you've been doing it wrong. I think most people take a daily vitamin to give their intake of things like Folate, B12, and Vitamin A a little boost.

agree. As a 17 year old, I wouldn't have called it off to save my life. He would have had to do it. My relationship was 3 years on, 2 years off, and 3 more on. I am SO THANKFUL for those 2 years off during college.

I agree with all of this, except the "get her parents' permission." Just stop cold turkey. Do not pass go. Do no collect $200. Just stop seeing her. Date her in a few years, not just when she is "legal", give her time to grow up and finish her childhood. (and 18,19,20 is still a child). If he says he doesn't