Does anyone else feel icky when tens of thousands of people are missing in Japan, and iPad 2 news is almost literally stomping all over it on Gizmodo?

I think you're leaving out an obvious detail. Call quality/reliability is directly tied to data quality/reliability. I know this is obvious to most of us, but the wording of the poll is a bit misleading.

Totally agree Graymulligan. I use both platforms myself, but OS wise I think android def. provides better day to day functionality then iOS. However, when something as slick as an iPad dips below 400, regardless of whatever shortcomings, there really isn't an Android tablet to compete.

well, I guess people are confused because Apple is usually pretty thorough for hardware it actually chooses to implement. The question isn't who would use it for photography, the question is - if you're going to put a camera on the back, why make it so crappy by today's standards. They put in the capability to take

This new collection of reviews is brilliant. You guys should stop writing reviews all together, and just give us a run down of all the other reviews one page. Not being sarcastic at all, you just saved me like, an hour worth of browsing and reading.

Well, this is more software design, but considering that it's about the iPad and there's really no hard buttons, I think it still qualifies...

Do not tamper with the collar. If you do, it will blow up. The key is in embedded in your own stomach. Get it out, and survive.

me at 9 years old + this laser gun + the unlimited colonies of ants in front of my house = heaven

Because it can FTP to cloud storage? That's a big deal. Currently for Google storage customers (like me), you have to go through a specific Google interface to use your storage. Ex. Google docs, Picasa, Gmail, etc. Considering we're paying for nebulous cloud storage, it would be nice to just have it just like an

I'm just crying.

I guess it all depends on the semantics of what defines "american soil". As far as I'm concerned, "American Soil" implies several things, one of which is, if you are born on it, you're an American Citizen.

If you're going to make an Apple employee-narrative parody, at least get the GODDAMN BACKGROUND RIGHT. Not funny. Lame jokes. Predictable.

or better yet, just report on tech related things, you know... "GIZMO(do)" type things.

I find it ironic that the article states the projected ads are "annoying as hell" in contrast to the 20-something cliche' douchebags that have way to much time on their hands in trying to be "creative free-spirits" trying to gain internet notoriety for such a lame act.

Have you actually even used a Motorola Xoom? Construction wise and aesthetic-wise, it's pretty bad ass. If it wasn't for the ugly logos on the front, I would actually say it's sleeker then my iPad. On the hardware front, iPad and iPad 2 have nothing on the Xoom. The screen is gorgeous, the camera (both stills and

I agree. To be fair, comparatively specced Android and iPad tablets run roughly the same cost (700-800 bucks), so it's not really an Apples to Apples comparison, no pun intended.

Now that the publicity around the iPhone 4 prototype controversy has died down, do you guys think it was worth it considering the denied access to Apple events? Just curious.

All the other sites you speak of most likely aggregate from the other sites as well, so it's basically like a black-hole circle jerk of internet deals.

I always thought it would be so unspeakably epic if someone passed all the preliminary qualifying test and rounds, to make it on air, then just immediately buzz in for EVERY question first and just the utter most ridiculous response conceivable ALL GAWDAYUM NIGHT. omg.. that would make my life.

I'm all for getting away from fossil fuels, but who do these guys think they're helping? Obviously nothing from this is remotely practical for any type of usage. Seems like two guys who are financially stable enough to dick around for a few weeks doing a really cool personal project.