Pretty cool. Leave it to the Russians to build a city right next to a rocket fuel plant. What could possibly go wrong?
Pretty cool. Leave it to the Russians to build a city right next to a rocket fuel plant. What could possibly go wrong?
Awesome job, that is really great. Congratulations.
I'm not sure how you can capitalize on it but I call it pandering (not that this is bad). I think I'll be using that term a lot in 2012 with it being an election year and all. It should be fun to accuse people of this.
That's a pretty awesome car. I likey.
So you are saying that he is being derided for building an ugly car that almost nobody would buy and he would be praised if he were building cars that people liked and would buy? Funny how the free market works, people buy what they like.
Wow, conspiracy theory and the good old "how hard can it be?" in the same argument. If you can't do it yourself with your own knowledge then you have no idea what you are talking about. The difficulties involved seem to be beyond your comprehension so stow your critiques until you get an education.
That would be a Veyron.
You, sir, are psychotic...and I like that.
I've seen some seriously abrasive surfaces do that kind of damage in an auto-x after several runs. A track day is even better, yippee.
Wrong? Nothing wrong there. It looks like you had a fun day autocrossing. Perhaps you need a little more neg. camber...
Wearing the outside edge defines a lack of neg. camber. Increasing neg. camber to achieve even wear across the tire will increase the life of the tires. Wearing the inside of the tire means too much neg. camber or you're not cornering hard enough to take advantage of it.
The styling needs more pitch bending and a drop...literally.
Camber isn't much use in the quarter, dude.
Yep, as stated already if the outside edges are wearing then you need more negative camber dialed into the front. See the photo. That is a lot of negative camber. The alignment needs to be set for your driving style and usage not the other way around. Car are for serving our needs...and my need is for speed.
I don't know. Can we graft the LF-LC nose on it? That would probably help both cars.
That's nothing but awesome. All is fun and games until you get out of control enough and side swipe Olaf's Volvo with 40 tons of armor.
Both full forward...a little bit of right...then full left and hang on!
Are those two pictures of the same car? LF-LC? The profile is absolutely amazing yet the front is one of the most horrific things I've ever seen. How on earth can you go from hero to zero in just a quarter turn of the car? Leave it to the Japanese.
I don't worry, I'm just annoyed.