
The Red Skull was a ginger!

Dont forget about The Sentry! He obtained his powers trying to get high!


And sell us shampoo

What about the Icelandic worm monster!?!?

Bob Barker approves.

Han shot first, and that doesnt make him a cold blooded killer. If that makes him a cold blooded killer then the rebels are as well for blowing up the death star before it shot at yavin IV.

I would rather be charged by a moose than hit one with a car. I dont know alot about moose, but i have seen pictures of cars that have hit them and I would have thought the collision was with a mack truck.

The most dangerous thing involving deer would be car collisions. We need more deer to be taken during hunting season now. They are seriously overpopulated. My personal view would be longer hunting seasons and reintroduction of more mountain lions. But hey, not everybody likes the thought of a large feline predator

This begs the important caveman question: Can Ugg swim?

unfortunate, but true.

I could see Mark Twain having a knowledge of every monster and myth ever known for some reason, and giving amazing descriptions of the monsters lore in his wonderful phrases.

The trailer for ALVH, (lets see if that sticks...) didnt really impress me. It actually made me lose interest to ever watch it.

Yes, but the rape answer was probably just pulled from a law page talking about the history of rape cases in court.

It seems like the answers are being pulled from various sites that have keywords are something similar, like a site about South African history and one a pro-life site.

This will probably get its own show on TLC

Smells like fresh summer thunderstorm!

I always heard the wooly worm method growing up in the south. Which reminds me, never let one of those guys fall down your shirt, you will break out something awful.

Well the Muslims had been on their "crusade" since islam started under muhammed, expanding their territory.

Yes i have heard of it, seen the movie, and believe much of the same thing. No where is violence an option. And I agree there are crazies in every group that misrepresent