
Cool until you have to give someone their one gift.... lettuce wrappin paper. How nice....

Well if the laptops like my Ka-Bar its heavy, dulls easily, and not as tough as you think.

This book really resonated with me when i was child. I have always felt sadness when a great old tree gets cut down, or an old farmhouse gets bulldozed. I remember when i first found out that nearly all old growth trees in the appalachian forest are gone as a kid.

well crap! Im just gonna sleep till then i guess.

Thanks! You are both a scholar and a gentleman

Images wont work! Doesnt matter cause i am buying this today anyway.

so sad

I imagine it will be very similar to the intro from the 90's X-Men show.... That image of every superhero and villian charging each other in an epic battle... and it never happens.

Amazing series. It is consistently awesome and does near perfect portrayals of the characters. This is a series i always feel i actually got my money’s worth.

In GI JOE, whenever i saw Joseph Gordon Levitt as Cobra Commander all I could think of was how much he looked like an evil Shigeru Miyamoto!!!!

Siri is the kind of tech that needs public beta testing. Its interface with people is some of the most diverse and unpredictable. Siri will get exponentially better with time and has generated enough buzz to have true voice controls in the heads of the those who arent tech savvy as something other than a gimmick.

Effects were actually.... decent!!

Awesome, I will have to find it some time. Thanks!

Reading Rainbow did comics?

Care to elaborate? :)

Now im thinking how creepy cyborg owls would be

Well, Im sure Yoda wasnt that great looking to start with, hes only gotten slightly uglier

Well of course you are going to photoshop all those colored dots off her face!

I thought it was, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop"

I forgot, death only counts if its in a cutscene