
I quickly realized the point of the balloons when I read this story, well before I commented. Still, the headline specifies the bullet split in two, hitting two targets. So more than anything I suppose I was pointing out how misleading the headline is.

I refuse to believe the number of internet commenters is anything less than a billion

Hitting the edge of a machete I get, but I don't see the challenge in hitting balloons- placed directly behind it- with shrapnel

There is significant precedent for lowering body temperature to protect the brain when oxygen-deprived. Its not as if they were just randomly trying new treatments to see what would happen.

I haven't heard of a Frey I like yet

Did they get the part about ATP production in animal cells wrong? I don't recall the reduction of oxygen being a driving force behind any processes. Either way, they didn't do ATP production justice with their brief mention, in my opinion.

44% have never sent a tweet, meanwhile about 10% never stop.

Very few of these are actually secret...

Asbestos and arsenic have hugely different physical and chemical properties. That's a logical fallacy.

I like the knowledge level of the information presented. Too many videos like this are too dumbed-down, and almost all of the articles about it are impossibly technical to the casual reader.

Isn't chocolate like coffee and alcohol (consumed in moderation) in that practically every study conducted ends up with results contradicting the last? I doubt we'll go two months before another study contradicts this one.

I make a point of not putting too much weight into anything that has a Guy Fawkes mask superimposed over it.

They don't study math, they're neuroscientists. If they did, they would be specifically identified as mathematicians.

"The mathematicians who discovered these unique shapes don't see them solving any problems right now, but envision at least a few fun applications."

Leave it to Asians to take all the fun out of a game by taking it more seriously than anyone else ever.

I wrote a reply to someone else to reaffirm that I'm more interested in the way its manufacturers market it (Fuck yeah! Kill stuff!) than whether or not a burglar survives.

I'm actually more concerned with the impact this ammunition could have on cases of accidental or mistaken shootings. The first thing I thought of when I read this article was the idea that using these, a child shooting themselves playing with their parents' handgun, or a father shooting his teenage child sneaking

A quick glance at the manufacturer's website confirmed my suspicions that this bullet is not being marketed with self-defense in mind. We don't need to go into a debate about ballistics to understand the primary purpose of this ammunition, which is confirmed in its name. Regardless of any virtues it may or may not

I'm normally pretty neutral on gun-rights subjects but these feel inherently wrong and somewhat insulting to me as a rational human being. There's more spite at play here than any concerns of self-defense.

"Presumably" gold needles. I kind of doubt they're all 24 carat.