My recent vacation was largely a 30-day journey through my own personal LEGO paradise, culminating in a harrowing…
My recent vacation was largely a 30-day journey through my own personal LEGO paradise, culminating in a harrowing…
Wow, dude. That’s a pretty horrible thing to say.
The degree to which the NFL continuously insults the public’s intelligence is maddening. Can we please just accept all of the horseshit hypocrisy, dispense with the horseshit ritualistic pomp and circumstance, and watch fucking football?!
Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?
I don’t think it can be pointed out often enough the degree to which the NFL, in actuality, does not give a shit about the military but uses the partnership for 1) profit and 2) so that all the military nomenclature that is shit out the mouths of the Bucks and Nantzes of the world of a thin veneer of support from the…
It starts slow, and feels a little self-indulgent. But this Metal Gear Solid V debriefing ends with something of a…
I’m so surprised. Better stop holding my breath now.
Heh, I was just going to say the exact opposite, money doesn’t motivate me at all, as long as I can pay my bills. I once had an interview for a sales gig, and the guy just kept harping on how much money I could be making in only my first year! ick... I’m motivate by having fun, cool people around that make my day a…
Shit, I wish every job had “cheerleaders.” Not necessarily women — just someone there to provide you with positive reinforcement and motivation, like a personal trainer.
Surviving the summer Comiket (Comic Market) isn’t just about rules and manners—sometimes it’s about beating the…
A pond at Kouyasan. Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. By Adrien Métivet.
I’ve never worked at a place in my 17 years of working that didn’t have some verison of “If you go and run your mouth to the media without getting prior approval, you will be fired.” Every place has this, everywhere.
For a certain subset of gamers, last December was big. Really big. Like, the biggest month in years.
And he shall call it Suikotaku!
*Spoilers for ME2 and 3*
Am I the only one that absolutely loathes depth of field and motion blur? :|
No, you’ve missed everything that made it great.
You can’t see it, but the kid was actually pointing to a roster of Hornets draft picks from the past few seasons