

Except Rick Jones didn't name them. The Wasp, Janet Van Dyne did. Rick Jones wasn't there.

Farewell, little Messenger (yeah, I tend to anthropomorphize these spacecraft, which is admittedly Not Scientific). Fantastic work by NASA.

If you want to release a full game on your own framework or a licensed engine, okay. If you’re making content for a game, that’s “fan content.” That needs to be free.

Otherwise you’re just an indie developer, and that’s different than a modder. The people that want paid for their work need to make their own games, not

If there’s one thing Stan Lee does well, its put a smile on my face.

There is absolutely nothing impressive while standing there doing nothing while your buddies do all the work. It’s just a demonstration of a mechanic in the game that shares exp for kills, not any amount of skill, which is oddly called out in the article.

Just so everyone knows: something like this is still considered creepy in Japan. They just have a different rating system than the US. Don't believe that just because there is no kiss-of-death AO rating that Japanese people thing that games like this are totally normal. I'm not trying to shame anyone, I just don't

Maybe it will actually have a plot..... I love the Manga but the Anime is terrible.

Akira? Ghost in the Shell? It's surprising that these aren't even mentioned considering they both contributed quite a bit in introducing and popularizing anime and manga in the west.

This got me started on anime

Good list, but it really should include Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. The story is pretty straightforward, there's enough action to keep the average person interested, and is incredibly light hearted and fun. It really is the most easily accessible anime that I've seen.

One Piece?

Me: “Oh, hey, this isn’t too bad so far.”

I’m saddened that he’s still not recovered. The fact that he’s still delegated to Smash Bros. DLC is not a good sign, too. He should be fully resting his hands and tendons, focusing on physical therapy/medications instead. I don’t want this to be unrecoverable or the need to go to surgery. I’m surprised that he didn’t