
Sometimes watching this is like going by a car accident. You don’t want to look but then you can’t help yourself.

Well looking like I still don’t need an xbox1. Watching some of the others play the first three missions had given me hope but now that people have played the whole thing (this and other sites) it looks like those were the best missions. I don’t care about multiplayer. Kind of sad.

They missed their chance. Could have done one a month ago when they still had some games releasing this fall. But maybe it was too soon. I do miss them, though I especially miss Iwata-sama being part of them.

Great job Jason.

wonder if this flashing of colors is what makes nintendo concerned about their 3ds and kids. they flash between images to get the 3d effect

I was wondering about the people below getting hit with broken glass and chair coming down from a skyscraper.

Send the guy a check but its a common military phrase. Another one is: O Dark 30

YES! The destiny they deserve. The destiny they need.

“maybe it doesn’t have enough dancing anime girls.”

No its more about paying the artist. You know they have things like bills to pay. Not all artists own islands. Lots are still living on friends couches.

In this case I will go by charity. So little ever gets donated to brain / behavior research I am hoping for evil Dan to win out.

You win. That was spectacular.

Yup. I worded that poorly. I guess I thought they talked over those headsets about what they saw with the replay guy.

Worse than that. Didn’t they watch a replay because they checked to see if he missed the bag because of the hit? Not sure this is the same as Goodell. Lots of that was off the field stuff. Yeah the umpire and in my opinion, in fact all of them who saw the review blew the call. If you don’t have some limits on the play

Useless. He simply appeals and he plays thru the series and even into the world series if they get that far since the process will take forever. Even if he loses the appeal he will go to court like brady. Get a stay and he will play. Useless. May as well target good players and take them out. Its open season.

This is why sony and nintendo want to own the os. My 11 year old ds games still work on my brand new n3ds. There is no profit in every year having to update/maintain the code for the new os. Whatever money you made is now being pissed away, don’t forget you have to train your developers on the new os, retest, etc.

If you scroll down you will see the results of the building...not good.

I have now played both of the P4 off shoot variants (fighting and now rhythm) and had/having a lot of fun. Its amazing how powerful good characters/story can draw you in.

That and it appears the DLC was disappointing so really no reason to buy. Good lesson perhaps to wait for reviews and let games mature before purchase. I do plan on watching a youtube video to get the story. It was supposed to be decent.