
no campaign...notice bf4 is also on sale but at 20 bucks, still has some value. thats why I am disappointed battlefront doesn't have a campaign, no reason for people to give it a try when you risk on line only...too many free to play games.

no campaign...notice bf4 is also on sale but at 20 bucks, still has some value. thats why I am disappointed

With you Phil. We have been burned way to much the past few years.

Gameplay footage is not the sad part for me. I am sure they can make it look nice but no campaign is a deal breaker for me (some kind of co-op off line scenerio is what they are offering...not sure what that means). Also 40 player mode and not 64...32 player team allows for casual players like me to be not so critical

It really is a nice story so far. I think it would have been a better movie than series. I really am waiting for the other shoe to drop and this turns into something weird. Hope it doesn't.

I think your link is to the android tablet version?? It says its not compatable with my note 4. It also says that version was updated march 31...I saw a note that blizzard said it may take awhile to show up on the store.

No no...its 5 per month on twitch. :)

fair enough...change it to skylanders. :) Part of the Disney KH Infinity cross over event.

Highly collectible” more amiibo nightmares incoming. I can’t take it....

Well what matters is how and what you are doing. My three head ( 27” ) outboards at setup has email on my left, web browser or video on my left and what I am working in front of me. For work I don’t treat them as one window but three windows into your work with different themes.

Like Patrick said above...just tell me what is going on so I don’t waste any time on this. Going to make more? Great. Not? Okay.

Over three hours. Was first in line. Did not get Robin or Lucina. They were all out. Yes I was the first order they put though at 3 EST. The computer system is awful and the fact they did something different this time than in the past did not help. Nintendo yet again short stocked these items. Both suck.

The young version where he is getting the crap beat out of him all the time? or later on... :)

I think he would be insane in the game. A good choice.

be honest...its a KH amiibo you really want...no? :)

They need more over the top...not grand hero types. Not Goku

They were very open about it at PAX. They agreed it was a reason not to buy the game. Guess they were working on a fix...good for them.

Rowan is an interesting idea. He is a gear head. Though since he was and engineer before being an actor I wonder if he would provide some balance between crazy and information?

BBC and many victims are paying massively for not for paying attention to behavior of their “stars” in the past that assaulted/raped women and children. I would like to think they have learned from their mistakes of looking the other way.

Do you work in hell? Look get yourself to a trade school or back in college or whatever. Zero tolerance on physical violence in a workplace.

good defense is a good offense...getting in front of the story is a good agent telling him what to do. he knew he had screwed up.