Do people not read? Keep replying to all the derp comments about the phone number not being real. Google or grow a pair and call it yourself.
Do people not read? Keep replying to all the derp comments about the phone number not being real. Google or grow a pair and call it yourself.…
The number is legit... Call it if you don't believe it.
Is it just me or did the Terran totally get boned in new units?
I think they entirely miss the point where all "comments" on kotaku are flamed and abrasive. It's the genre and a site populated by the worst of internet trolls, gamers. Myself a white male often see the site as a place that people go to openly mock or disagree with opinions for the hell of it. You want to be part…
Heh... You're my favorite person on Kotaku at the moment Blue :-)
A little off... The author is crying because she wasn't invited to some DNF PR stunt at a strip club. Over-all not a very well thought out logical article. Purely based on feeling offended without thinking through why she wasn't invited. You didn't miss much.
"I was uncomfortable about the whole thing"
It was purely motivated out of legal fear... Females feel sexually harassed because of the demo... Comments about wall boobies and tit jokes turns into a sexual harassment law suit. Why take the risk? You girls think this was a chauvinistic response because we "thought for you" and "didn't think it was for girls"…
BlueStar, I didn't mean to classify all women in a bucket. But the problem is you have to make decisions based on the most painfully annoying minority (Or in this case majority) Like I said... I don't agree... but if you apply some logic to the business decision, it makes sense. Why risk it... Just invite the…
Did you play the game or are you simply a sheep? Did you judge the game by it's own merits or did you compare it to Call of Duty? Do you understand the appeal of a Duke Nukem game? Sounds to me like you need to get your wool sheared and rejoin the flock....
Wow... can you say "fuck" anymore in a single reply? Warning ———-^ Rated R for Language. A little hostile too, could have made the same point without looking like a sexist ass with a very low IQ.
I will say that even though I like the game (It is exactly what I expected. Lacking polish, a slightly dated shooting system, less than superb graphics but still decent comedic elements and extreme vulgarity.) I do not agree with the fact that they discriminated against females in the press releases. Granted, you…
Bad parenting.... If your kid gets V Bewbies time... only their fault.
Kat-Tun's version is 100x better... who cares if they got the core idea from another song? Have you ever listened to 99% of music out these days?! It's all the same 4 chords and rhythms as it is... So these guys took a chunk of someone else's song and made a better song... Sampling... and no... it often does not go…
It's not just PC.... XBox connectivity to game servers fails over half of the time and lag (that looks like old school lag switchers) has characters that appear to jump half way across the map at a time in online matches.
This game is horrible. The crafting system is one of the only