Vulcan Assassin

I’m nominating my favorite album. It just isn’t the same without the pop and crackle of dust on vinyl record. Pink Floyd: Dark side of the Moon. Still easily obtainable and still in print. Also comes with the CD!

I’m nominating my favorite album. It just isn’t the same without the pop and crackle of dust on vinyl record. Pink

Me and my GF started playing this together about a week ago. She plays using the PS4 pro, I play on Steam (yeah it has cross play). We really haven’t had any major issues, so props to the team that’s running the game I guess.

Hebrew National All-Beef for me. It’s the ONLY kind I’ll buy for two reasons. First, I’ve seen how they are made, and I’m still ok eating them. Second, the flavor. They taste and cook great.

Not surprised. Never forget that this is the company that sold PS3'S promoting Linux support, never actually supporting the Linux development folks, and dropping it anyway. Sony does what Sony wants, not what developers or fans want. They’re like that girl you hook up with that’s hot and is a lot of fun, but you have

Oh, I remember. I wanted to go to Sears or Montgomery Ward and buy a cool game like Mario or Zelda. My mom instead took me to some hole-in-the-wall store called “The Toy Box” ran buy an elderly couple because as she explained it: “It was a cute store”.

If he lived in my area I wouldn’t blame him. Here, I have At&t, my girlfriend has T mobile. For the last year, we are constantly in the situation where her phone won’t work due to signal loss or random service failures, and has to use my phone. And my phone is way older and sucks compared to her newer, better phone. T

I guess I’m the exception then. Back compatibility is a big thing for me because it allows me to play the games with Vsync. I absolutely detest screen tearing. I find some of the titles really do seem to run better as well. I spend a good amount of my time playing back compatibility. I’d play even more of it wasn’t

I think the only advantage the game-of-the-month would have had is making it easier to find a buddy to play online with. I’m guessing that if it was only one or two games a month, it would funnel more people to them, so it may have been a bit quicker joining a lobby and pairing up. Who knows, as much as the switch is

Upon reading the headline I was initially against it. However he makes a good point comparing it to restoring a classic car.

...and with all the digital content I’ve stuffed into my 1TB HDD upgrade in the form of of PS1, PS2, PS3, and all those sweet HD collections and remakes - I’ve got a PS3 back-log that will keep me playing my PS3 for another 10 years. Long live PS3!

I love achievements. However I find a huge issue with steam achievements. There is no simple way to view all games in my library with achievements, or my progress in them. You’d think by now this would be implemented, but nope. Why they just can’t add an achievements tab or link in either my profile or games list, I

I loved this game. A buddy rented it back in day for a laugh, we ended up beating it. I bought it. Still have it. Great game, it’s fun.

I paid more than twice that for this router a while back.. Absolutely worth it! I has been 100% since the day I plugged it in. Fast, Reliable, Sleek, Great Interface, and customization is nice. You can even set the lights to solid or just turn them off if they bother you!

I paid more than twice that for this router a while back.. Absolutely worth it! I has been 100% since the day I

Sorry to hear it’s leaving the online market. Such a great game. The music was a very memorable part of it for me. I’ll never forget the intensity of making it through the night to sunrise, only to have the screen go black and play “In Dreams” by Roy Orbison in it’s entirely. Alan Wake made great use of it’s

True, I still feel like Nintendo did a better job. Nintendo’s Wii U emulation for their games has better features like controller customization, save states, remote play, and all for a discount as low as $1.50-2.00. PlayStation gives us Trophy support (which yeah, is cool), Progressive scan support (which we already

Suddenly I don’t look so silly for going on a quest to find a brand new PS3 a few weeks back when my old one started to die, when I’ve already upgraded to PS4 Pro. I had to search 21 stores before finding one, and that one was the last one in stock! Why would I do this? I have a huge library on the PS3. PS3 has a ton

Sony DOES use the awful method of charging for the same game on another console. I have a few of the PS2 games on PS4, that are also on PS3 as PS2 Classics. Just like Nintendo, I had to pay again to bring them to the newer console. At least Nintendo gives a huge discount, Sony doesn’t even bother to do that, they

One of my most favorite things in gaming: when I encounter enemies and they unexpectedly kill each other. Happened the other day playing Fallout 3. Random Super Mutant showed up and did all the work for me, and when it was over he had a sliver of life left. Good times.

My Girlfriend has been playing this collection a lot lately (So much I’ve been revisiting MGS4 on PS3 so I don’t have to wait for her to finish her sessions). It’s the first game she actually bought herself for my PS4. I hope she doesn’t hit this issue. If she does, no doubt I’ll suffer for it. She’s still on the

I never use the 3D, and the rare occasion I do, I turn it all the way down to the lowest setting. To me I always saw a double image on dark background colors, like a ghost image. Drove me crazy. I always wondered​ if it was just me, nobody else I know complained about it. I figured it had some to do with​ my eyesight,