Vulcan Assassin

Final Fantasy XV. I cannot stop playing it. For the the first 4 or 5 hours I hated it; it was so different than the turn based style RPG I’m used to and usually prefer. I stuck with it, and began to love it. 30 hours in so far and I’m only in chapter 3. So this will take my future weekends until I finish. After that

Tons of people still play Star Trek Online. In fact, it recently spread to consoles. The Xbox One version in particular has been quite successful and is getting a lot of praise from players on the Xbox live service. Just the other day an announcement from the devs for an in-game sale happened and was delayed a day -

Glad I bought one for my Girlfriend’s Christmas Gift a month ago when they were still plenty. She came home the other day sad because she got a Christmas bonus and couldn’t find a 3DS anywhere. Yeah, I had to try not to smile as she sat on the couch, unknowingly 2 feet away from a hidden Galaxy Style XL...

This is hella cool. Now, we need a snap together version, and make a Zelda board game out of it. I’d pay good money for that!

I’m adding Blood Will Tell, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Yakuza 1 & 2, and XIII. Loved those games.

Same here! I already had it for PC, but my Gf wanted the console version and I was curious as well. Noticed I had $17 in xbox live rewards credit, and got it free! :)

I’ve been in the PS4 camp since launch. The same time I heard about PS4 pro, I fell on hard times, and sold my PS4 to raise cash figuring I’d get a PS4 Pro later anyway. Missing console gaming, and still being on a budget, my Girlfriend went in on an Xbox One with me, as we wanted to play exclusives on it anyway, and

Yep, I thought it was just me at first. I have family in two other States, had them check back in early October. Same situation, hasn’t changed. At first I was hoping they were fixing to announce a Vita 3000, with 2 shoulder buttons in time for Christmas. Hey, I can dream...

I’d like to see an answer on why the Vita is disappearing from store shelves entirely. Try to find a new Vita in places like GameStop or Walmart lately? In many areas it’s becoming impossible. I had a second job at GameStop for a few months in 2016 for extra cash (but that’s a different story) one day, I had an issue

Playing some Jade Empire Special Edition on the Nvidia Shield K1. It’s great. It Got me in a nostalgic original Xbox mood, so I also pulled that out of the closet and played some backlog titles I left in the past: Black, and Medal of Honor: European Assault. Forgot how good Medal of Honor was when it was all about

Oblivion is still my favorite TES game. I’d love to see a Remastered release. Doubt it will happen, but it did just get added to Xbox One back compatibility which is cool. Loaded up my old 300 hour save the other day, first time since 2009: a total nostalgia flood. Nice to see it being kept alive in so many ways.

I’d like to see a console Remastered version, but this will do. It plays excellent on my Nvidia shield K1 tablet. First Jade Empire, now this. Been a good month for the mobile gaming.

That thing looks super cool. Like a PlayStation server or something. I’ll miss you, United Front. You’ll go in my mind to the hall of great Devs of the past, with Silicon Knights and all the others...

I use the paddles almost exclusively for bumpers and thumbstick buttons. I call the profile “sticks and clicks”. Also, I recommend the halo 5 button pack, only to replace the top paddles. Fits perfectly in my hand that way.

Good to know. I’ve been playing, and the ugly NPC I witnessed here the other day was normal in my game. I figured it was patched or something.

The devs answered this in a PSNation interview when fallout 3 released. They wanted mods on consoles, even back then. They stated it was easier on Xbox OS, as it uses a modified windows kernel, and the file structure for the games (although hidden on xbox) was identical to the PC release, but this is not so on

The art on those machines brings me back. Limited sprites fueled by imagination! Brings me back to childhood, where my favorite place to be was the Arcade. I usually held down the local Putt-Putt Golf arcade, which had the most machines, or the Duffer’s arcade, which had the best pizza. And they both had mini-golf

It’s easy to get the game back. I did it when I upgraded my HDD, and again when I got a new PS4. Just download a backup of a ps4 that contains only PT (easily found with Google) Then restore your PS4 with it. As long as you owned the game it works. I now keep a backup I made from my own account on a USB stick after

Nice to see progress here. It would be a little more nice to see an inclusion that stops the chopping and cropping of 4:3 ratio shots to make them look like widescreen 16:9 shots. I see this all lot, and it’s also misleading when you find the game doesn’t support widescreen natively.

Well, shit. This sucks. They made some damn good games. I loved Sleeping Dogs. Modnation Racers was great too. Master Chief Collection and Tomb Raider Definitive were solid as well. You’ll be missed, United Front.