Vulcan Assassin

I guess I’m lucky, after 30 hours of Ark play time, I haven’t had any grief. I’d say it’s probably because the server I play on is private password protected, and we only let trusted friends play. It’s a small community, only about 15 of us - but to us, it’s just right. Everyone works together well, except me, I am

This reminds me, I need to play ZombieU again. Fantastic Game.


I now imagine their offices filled with boxes of caps when Fallout 5 announces. Maybe Bethesda can recycle them and use the money to make more Fallout...

Thanks for another great article taking a stab at the evil that is modern day preorders. I feel the same, word-for-word. I hope others will one day agree.

What the hell is wrong with these people. They sound like stereotype council idiots detached from reality. I guess they’d rather their children go out and buy drugs, guns, and join gangs instead of hanging out at the arcade? Fuck LA.

...and I just instantly purchased to support these developers. Besides, the game looks pretty fun. Dinosaurs.

I’m a bit surprised Huniepop wasn’t on the list.

The quote about no Hitman Paid DLC, really hit home for me. I’ve always felt the season pass and 100+dollars for a “complete” game that is going to be replaced within 1-2 years anyway, is an abhorrent practice, and needs to stop. Glad to hear someone make a stand.

So, this is basically the Majora Edition New 3DS XL all over again. Which really pissed me off, until I got one on the second run. I just can’t stand the people who buy them to gouge and profit off them when true fans everywhere that want one out of love and support, get screwed. I don’t see how it’s any different

At first glance I thought “Hey, neat” as I tend to enjoy single player modes. I talked about this with a buddy last night, and he recommended I come to his place to try the game, as I haven’t played it. I avoid Early Release games like a plague, especially when it’s been ER for years like DayZ.

They recently gave us Earthbound Beginnings (Mother 1) localized on Wii U Virtual Console. For that, I give them a free pass to bomb out for one E3. Besides, muppet puppets are cool. Carry on, Nintendo...

I’d like to take this moment to say this is the best news Kotaku has ever posted. So happy right now!

Luke, can you add an update to the end of this post? Shenmue 3 made it’s goal overnight!

I wonder what it’s like to be Gabe, or Visa today. I bet it’s something like this:

Raven’s Cry.

I have that exact same charger, got it at Christmas as a stocking stuffer. It may not be as large a capacity as others, but don’t let that stray you from getting it, it’s been great. I use it to charge my Nexus 5, and as a power source for USB amplified headphones.

I have that exact same charger, got it at Christmas as a stocking stuffer. It may not be as large a capacity as

I took a chance and filed for a refund for Raven’s Cry which I bought in January, stating that it was released incomplete and terribly broken; not at all what was promised or advertised.

So now I wonder... am I the only person ever that liked the Postal Movie?