
Well, in theory alien probes could be in our solar system without us knowing, even if they are not designed for stealth. Just look at how hard of a time we have finding large chunks of rock before they hit us. A Voyager sized object would be practically invisible if you didn't happen to be looking right at it.

The space program was in such a rush at the time that the Saturn V rocket was never tested in an "all up" configuration before the first manned launch. Those things worked right the first time using just slide rules and know how. That's some impressive engineering.


This was one of the reasons the allies did not put a lot of effort into destroying the German rail guns during WWI and WWII. It took so much time and manpower to support the operation of these weapons that they reduced the effectiveness of the German forces in any area they operated in.

Apparently the difference between somewhere and nowhere is about 40 miles, at least according to google earth.

The Commandments of Biking

If they wanted to get rapid repeatability it seems like a rim weighted disk would be more effective. Basically a form of reaction wheel

I actually had to go back and look to be sure it said "Sixth scale" because I read it as "Sith scale" the first time.

Is it me or does the engineering section look like the just glued stuff onto a Serenity model?

Just what I was thinking. Seems a little too viscous. Not quite oil like, but almost like it was slightly gelled. Too much surface tension maybe.

Seeing as Zach Snyder is involved maybe he is pretending to be a Spartan warrior.

The T-38 Talon is a dedicated supersonic trainer, not a fighter, EVER. It's derivative, the F-5 A/B Freedom Fighter and F-5 E/F Tiger 2 were used operationally by several countries, including in combat by Vietnam (north and south), and Iran.

"OpenPool is an open source project that utilizes two Kinects and a projector to read the locations of your balls and adorn the area around them with wild special effects."

I have some of the stuff from Walgreens and it works quite well. Pencil and pen both write smoothly and even double-writing with a big sharpie didn't bleed through. The material will tear but it takes more effort to get it started. The problem I see so far is that the perforations don't tear cleanly due to the

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My first thought, too. ....Damn, embedding disabled.

I wouldn't necessarily rely on the historical portraits either. It is my understanding that most of them were commissioned by the Tudors who succeeded Richard III and were not fond of him. Either way there is going to be some bias.

It says, "I won't tell. That would be cheating."

"The British Navy's new Queen Elizabeth-class frigates"

The first description I saw of the Phaser was from the now very hard to find "Star Trek Space Flight Chronography". One section described the first test firing of a ship mounted phaser as basically a particle beam cannon firing down the beam of a high powered laser. They were later ret-conned to use the nadion

Possible? Yes.