
The signals are transmitted in the same "space" (an effect called "superposition"). The "twist" of the different signals can be detected and sorted due to the angular offset from other signals.

I was thinking this also, but from the abstract they use "orbital angular momentum encoding" of unpolarized waves.

I was thinking the same thing, but apparently this technique uses unpolarized waves. From the abstract they use orbital angular-momentum encoding. Apparently this consisted mostly of modifying a parabolic antenna. I wonder if you could scan the various encodings by rotating the dish.

According to the original post linked in the article, his foot clipped a large rock and that caused him to hit the larger flat rock behind it. He hit the large rock from the waist down which is what caused him to tumble. It took a sizable bit of flesh out of his leg.

Actually, the JP-7 fuel used by the SR-71 was very difficult to light. Triethylborane (TEB) had to be injected into the engines to create enough heat to start them.

Both ships are the same length (1092ft), beam (252ft) and draft (37ft), and within 3,300 tons displacement. (the John C. Stennis is the heavier of the two.)

I've noticed that "aiiiiiiaaaah" seems to be pretty much the universal term for "Oh, (insert expletive here)!".

The TICO Warbirds Airshow in Titusville, FL Tends to put a bunch of planes in the air at once. T-3 Texans, Sukhois, A-3 Skyraiders, etc. You can ALWAYS tell when the P-51s go by though.

When I was in the Navy, one of the guys in the barracks bought a bottle of "U.S. Armed Forces Vodka" from the base exchange. $5.00 for a gallon bottle.

Actually in this case NAND and NOR refer the logic structure used in the various memory gate arrays, so the editing is correct.

"I wonder what those yellow signs say."

"So I'm suspecting you won't see it appearing as a new thrill ride at your local theme park anytime soon."

Works better with a pair.

If it doesn't exist for Honeycomb, it doesn't exist.

Amen to this. When I was in, all sorts of horrible comeuppance in store for anyone who dared to remove the "seasoning" from a chief's coffee cup. Some of them had "Patrol Cups" that were dutifully bagged and stored between runs.

"The technology could also be used for more precise laser material processing,...and, potentially, table-top particle accelerators."

Considering what it was meant to simulate that is a really cool idea. I was at S1C in Connecticut myself.

I wonder why they chose to use two independent caissons instead of linking them to counterweight each other like the Falkirk Wheel.

Sounds like it would make a good Zombiepocaclypse phone.