
Heinrich rumbled quietly onto the showroom floor. The vibrations made a pen fall off a salesperson's desk, two people flush with arousal, and one poor guy rush to the toilet. (He would never eat Mexican again) His engine stopped, and the only sound in the immaculate picture area was the quiet ticking of cooling metal.

I am absolutely stupefied! In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned it would look like this. I LOVE IT!

In my own personal study that was conducted twice yesterday afternoon because I was home alone and bored, I can categorically assert that it is definitely not pee.

yea except the haldex not much for tale out oversteer fun

So many angles, a flat 6, stupid windows...I really want one


What happens to batteries when they touch salt water? Oh yeah…

I put down epoxy in my garage aobut 3 years ago, and my uncle did his around the same time. I can confirm, that the key to this is prep, prep, PREP. I was obsessive about it. Scrapped everything I could. Pressure wash. Simple green and other degreaser. Pressure wash. Tri-sodium phosphate solution. pressure

I do think people that just try to shut up detractors by saying they don't know what they are talking about because they do not get a paycheck from this program are a part of the problem. I have no dog in the fight here, the vast majority that back this thing whole heatedly do. I have learned this over years of

Cayenne Limo: For less than a new Cayenne would cost.

It's almost impossible to protect a component from someone from Manchester.

Honda NR750. Not because of the bike itself, that looked like, well, a bike.

"Hello, vulnerable teenage girl at the end of her rope who had no sex education, and welcome to our crisis pregnancy center. We're not medical professionals, but, for all you know, medical professionals consider us an acceptable alternative. Do we provide abortions and reproductive care? Ha ha ha, we'll get to that

That's when a guy walks up with the missing forty dollars and tells the woman it was on the floor by their table. To which she says "bullshit" and storms out saying that I'm a fucking thief. Moral of the story is, don't give small children lots of cash.

I imagine that guy probably paid out of his own pocket to make the

"You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

This kind of situation will increase in the future with more and more automated system in the vehicle. The driver would want to do something yet the car won't do that because some pre programming is telling it it should not do that.
I find this case particulary disturbing because Porsche cut corners. Instead of

What Steven said.