
The only people who ever use MKV (judging by common consumers) are pirates. Moth pirated Blu-ray rips come in .mkv format, and I've never seen the format anywhere else. Yo ho, yo ho...

Everything is amazing, and the OnLive support is joyous! But, of course, it's stuck on Gingey. I guess nothing can be perfect. Nevertheless, I think I've found my first tablet.

So... you check periodically on a bag of sun chips you buried in your back yard a year ago?

Nokia's brilliant hardware with Microsoft's gorgeous OS? Get ready for the return of Nokia. (please note, I've had absolutely no playtime with WP7, my opinion on it could be biased.)

Oh my god, so many typos.

It doesn't matter if the other tablets are better, consumers will still buy ipads. Because Apple products make things simpler. Apparently

looks confusing as ALL hell and with me the threads would break in a week.

Can't fucking background, can it?

Angry birds on my tv? Fuckin' A.

Yeah, there's been too many terminator jokes already, I assume. I just wonder how many robo-moderaters they have for robo-wikipedia to keep robo-users from defacing the articles?

I'd love to see it running an original OS modeled after that Courier thing we saw a while back. That would be fucking awesome.

I'd take that to parties. They'd be all like, "Hey Jinx, pass the salt!" Amd I'd whip out that thing like a fuckin' ninja and be all like, "I GOT THIS"

Even if there were extra terrestrals out there, that were as inteligent as us, within this little bubble, the odds that they even know what the fuck a radio wave is is highly unlikely. The odds that they know how to decode it into audible sound is even less. The odds that they even have a sense of hearing is EVEN LESS.

Ugh. I much prefer a matte trackpad, and the buttons on that one look boated and uncomfortable. The reason I say I prefer matte is because glossy trackpads tend to gather fingerprints and look like shit in a week.

Fuckin' viruses, how do they work?


I guess Stevey didn't think cutting vegetables was magical enough, so he Bibbity-Bobbity-Boo'd it.

Where the hell's John Connor when you need him?

You'd have thought they'd have learned by now not to trust us.

"Just trust us, we'll be fine."