
@Bluecold: 30,000-Year-Old Cave That Descends Into Yo Mama

Two identical particles at different locations are linked in such a way that, when you change the state of one, the other one instantly change-


The cities in Norfair seem pretty lively

I wonder what's gonna follow this?

Of course this means the new iPhone will be capable of being unlocked to run on other phone companies like Sprint and stuff.

@Raijin: I'm voting for the iPhone Redemption.

The day Steve Jobs grows enough brain cells to put the iphone on verizon will be the day racism is cured completely in america, the government makes genetically altered flying pigs and weaponizes them, and the incredible hulk stops doing the roids long enough to fry an egg.

The eee pad would be good is it had the option to get rid of that little bit of the keyboard plate that comes out the back when it folds.

We're calling the Verizon iPhone the Jesus Phone.

...are we as a society so obsessed with demonizing the female body that we need to put pasties on plastic models now?

I'll make that thing myself and spraypaint it gold.

I am now compelled to buy an ipad, for the first time ever.

@lostarchitect: Affordable? itunes charges, like, a buck a song. That adds up! I say, if you absolutely, positively must have it legally, Rhapsody is the way to go.

Some men just can't satisfy the ladies.

"Dad, I know, I know, but you just don't understand, okay? I fucking love trains! I FUCKING LOVE THEM! YOUR SHIT ISN'T IMPORTANT! ALL I CARE ABOUT ARE THE FUCKINGH TRAINS!"

phones are becoming like PCs and PCs are becoming like phones.

Why not just make like apple and build a 10-inch windows phone.

13: leave this napkin at a bar, fire random employee, blame TIME.