
My parents hate each other. It's making me very nervous about my wedding and how it's all going to go down.

So many many questions! I got engaged last summer and in a pretty intense program for school, so trying to get married after I graduate in fall 2016. First off how do you plan a wedding while stressed from school and work! How do you deal with a very blended family where ur bio mom and dad are divorced don't get

Yeah I would feel bad if I did nothing for my SO. We have never done big presents for vday so I just get him something small.

Well iv lied a lot when I was younger but mostly to people I didn't care about/white lies. BUT I lied for years about what college I went to to most eveyone besides my best friend and family including my now fiancée. I finally came clean a few years ago when he was gonna book a trip for us and was looking a said

Jon Stewart leaving makes me so sad. I started watching him in 2004 in my senior year in high school when my government teacher brought it clips and have watched him every since, and then in became a almost nightly thing with my SO and I for the last 5 years. I don't think I can deal with Colbert and him both leaving!

I had my nails done because I had thought maybe he was gonna propose, we were on a trip and had looked at rings/talked about getting married. I had warned him years prior that he better not get my parents especially my dads "permission" that I'm a grown adult and don't need that crap and I find it kinda gross,

Ha yep I said the same thing

Ugh no I never read the books but I do read some hilarious recaps online. I could just tell it was gonna be a. Book that was going to dumb and NOT sexy. It's so funny to me bc it seems more like money porn than actually anything erotic/romantic. Also I did almost shout at a friend at a Starbucks that there's. So

Boo I have the same problem I love doggies so much but just started a pretty intense school schedule so I don't think that would be possible for at least another year and half. I used to have a cat but she ran away/or perhaps an owl got her, :( and I miss having a pet so much!

Cute! Is that a husky mix??

Oooh that sounds pretty intense. I get déjà vu a lot but only for a few moments. BUT it does remind of this thing that happened to me twice maybe three times that I can NEVR explain, so since we are taking about weird sleep brain things maybe someone can help as well: so I fall asleep fine and then in the middle of

Ugh I did not like dawn even though I tried to because she was from California like me. BUT I liked Claudia and loved/wanted to be Stacy, unfortunatly I was (am?) much more a Mary Anne :/

I was so disappointed that high school wasn't exactly like saved by the bell!

I think i must of watched it at a really young age Cuz I'm just under 30 and completely remember loving it.

Oh yeah I will always moisturize after I just was wondering what other people with combo skin use. Right now I just use cetaphil cleanser. Thanx for the advice!

What is a good mid priced face wash for combo skin? I'm getting the age that I want something g that protects my skin and leaves it nice and soft/moisturizer! But I also break out sometimes a bit so I want that to go away too

Ha I guess he was sitting next to us at the Wavehouse in San Diego, I had no idea until my boyfriend told me who he was.

Ha that sorta happened to me. I saw this man in a nightclub in LA and spent a while just staring at him trying to figure out how I knew him, maybe it was a friend of my dads?? As I left to walk somewhere else I realized it was Matthew Perry.

I keep seeing/hearing this all the time lately, and I just don't get it for a few reasons. For one is a guy that will hold open the door REALLLY that hard to find? I mean I hold open doors/whatevet for people all the time men or women, and have the same done for me.

I feel you on those "no shampoo" people there's is no way I'm NOT a shampooing my hair after two days of not washing. Have you tried putting dry shampoo in your hair at night I read somewhere it makes it work more or something like that. But mostly by the 2nd or even 3rd day I usually put my hair in and braid or