"If the bar lays on the ground, expectations will always be exceeded"
"If the bar lays on the ground, expectations will always be exceeded"
I think there are a lot of interesting mental/business exercises around the Nano. Everything matters with that car. The advertising (cheapest), the culture, the execution, the initial market, the competition (scooters). Run the variables 100 ways and you might have 100 different outcomes.
Tata tried that in one of the most population-dense and money-sparse countries in the world...that didn't seem to work out as planned.
I would take a genesis coupe over a 370 any day of the week. I really don't see them around all that much and it is a striking car that they made specifically for the enthusiast market. I like to support companies that cater to my tastes, so because of that I recommend people to Hyundais when they fit their needs. …
"Cheaping out for a Datsun"?
I am not privy to the numbers, but I'm sure there is an accountant right now looking at how much money they would lose by not selling cars in those states versus trying to make enough electric vehicles to fulfill the requirements for that state.
I'm guessing you also are a fan of having the exhaust note pumped into the cabin through the speakers?
Agreed, you could get a fully restored version for around 12, and this will need more than 2k of work.
Though they might be confused why they don't seem to like the Fusion as much in person as they did on TV or when they saw their neighbor's new fusion.
How contrarian of you to be contrarian to the contrarian opinion.
I'll have to admit here, I just realized that I entered into a conversation about taxes...my bad. I have no idea what came over me why I thought it was interesting. I could care less about who makes the money. I just want to see Elon succeed where so many Fiskers have failed.
By eliminating the private ownerhsip of the dealership, you eliminate the profits of that dealership from the state. It's a similar argument to the old "Buy American" thing. Sure, Honda has 5 plants in Ohio (or did at one point), but the profits of all the sales eventually go back to Japan. Same thing as the…
My first thought as well, though the new Durango isn't exactly an ugly duckling.
Durango was my first thought.
To those who know, any resemblance to the Buick doesn't matter.
I love those wheels. I think a lot of the wheels on this list are a time and place kinda thing, except the Asanti's, there is never a time nor a place for those.
Cannot un-see. Luckily I will probably never have to worry about that being a distraction to me as I am neither a German business executive nor a plutocrat, le-sigh.