
As an enthusiast, I want other people to buy boring cars from the company I buy exciting cars from so they will keep making said exciting cars funded by the profits of all the boring cars.

You know this picture of the Camry you posted makes it look very much like the NASCAR painted-on version of the Camry. I think they are the only company to make their production car look MORE like the NASCAR version...

The fits have been around for a while now, I'm surprised you cant fine one for cheap. Did you also check out the Kia soul? Not exactly exciting but it fills a role. You could also buy a used civic SI with four doors for a not-so-boring boring car.

This is for everyone to answer:

I don't think the complaint is that companies are sharing the platforms, there is another point about specific companies like Ford and Honda.

This is the kind of insider information you just can't get anywhere else!

I am a manual-diesel-wagonist and my therapist says the first step is admitting I have a problem.

I know it is the job of the car companies to make money and not pander to tiny enthusiast market segments, but I'm going to be looking for the R-Design V60 with a manual when it comes out. I really want this to happen, but I know the chance is slim.

There is probably no need for another $.02 on the matter, but what the hell.

This is an incredibly encouraging story. I didn't even do anything, and I feel glad to be a small part of such a great community.

I guess I get this now. I purchased a 2009 model R-design a couple years ago and have been using it as a commuter. Originally I liked it better than the GTI. The design wasn't as dated, so I could get a used one fully loaded and not feel like I was driving an ancient car. The power was a little bit better than the

Sorry to hear about your car. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Low volumes, batteries, electric motors, CF.

100% agree. The new X3 and X1 are not exactly the supermodels of the SUV world. Practicality aside, I think this is more Ultimate Driving Machine than either of those. Also, since when have enthusiasts been about practicality? Part of being an enthusiast is making compromises in

I totally agree with you on your last point. I wasn't convinced Cadillac was really having a go at the Germans with just the ATS, but the new CTS makes the argument as strong as ever. The ATS was a glimmer of light, but the CTS really starts tearing down the curtain. i hope they can keep it up.

+1, the tC now looks like the corolla concept...sigh.

And balance was restored in the jalop-o-verse.

Didn't we just have a discussion regarding whining about ridiculous cars?

Didn't we just have a discussion about whining about ridiculous cars?

I think the fact that you are comparing this to a Porsche is amazing. I get that SUVs are the money makers. Just putting on my nostalgia hat, this is a comparison that never would have been seen in the 90's and prior.