
My girlfriend and I both love video games and are perfectly content to watch each other play as we don't enjoy playing the same games. As much I'd love to play my favorite games with her, the current system works (not to mention she doesn't like FPS or RTS games at all).

Ion drives have been used on long-range satellites before because they get spectacular fuel efficiency but lack the ability to accelerate at a decent rate so they aren't used for anything with humans.

O.o I'm sorry. Didn't really how woefully incorrect I was. My gosh...

As a computer science major, obviously programming is more important for me. That said, I can't imagine it being useful for a lot of professions. Sure, a lot of technical professions should at least learn to read some simple scripting languages or HTML but I don't know if they'd necessarily need to learn how to

My brother has type 1 and yeah, those needles are tiny. Sure, it isn't fun for you guys, but insulin needles are in a completely different league from IV's.

This sounds more like it's indirect chemo than a miracle drug. Chemo more or less works on the premise that there are more health cells than unhealthy ones so by using chemicals that can wipe out anything in their path, they're likely to get the tumor first. This sounds like now you're just using the immune system

Man those Germans were brilliant.. So many scientists so far ahead of their time... Might have had this tech sooner had they not gone off the deep end with the Holocaust and whatnot. Just ironic I suppose.

If you're actually being serious here, it would because it would overload circuits, though this is low enough power that it's just a cutting tool.

I'm really confused... How is this bad? I'm sure it doesn't pay well, but it is a "job." I mean, if I was homeless, I'd rather do this than beg, so I don't understand how this is so terrible... It's a job, even if not the best one out there but at least it's something.

Hospitals get money from saving you so this isn't really going to be much different. Now, as someone who has family members in the medical field, I can tell you that medicare/medicaid sometimes won't pay the hospital because those organizations have issues, but that's not the point. Yes, if you are on

Under Laws of Humans: car vs pedestrian: pedestrian wins

10 GB on a home network is nothing. I exceed that in a week.

"gingers aren't just different; they're better"

... You may want to patent that.


Yay for being allergic to OJ

What the heck?! How the?! Wha? Huh? How did they even get their hands on this?! Why the crap is Co60 getting used in anything aside from sterilization plants?! There's a reason that neutron bombs (wipe out life but leave buildings standing) are also referred to as Cobalt Bombs. Co60 is vicious to DNA and pumps

Now if we could just get rid of that 6 ;)

Aside from being simply bonkers, this is actually kind of funny and I feel like if this was made into a movie, I might go see it and enjoy it lol.

The tech for this should be possible, so if this isn't real (and most agree it isn't), I'd love to see (and even better, play with) a real one.