
This is absolutely hilarious! XD

I've always assumed that sleep was just a self-repair process for the brain. Most stages of sleep are for the purpose of general body self-repair while REM sleep is the brain (or at least certain parts of it) running through it's repair cycle.

In a way this is meant as a bit of a slight to those that are religious, but personally (I am a Christian), I just laughed at how clever it was. I may not agree, but I will definitely give points for creativity regarding how this was written lol.

Hey, we supposedly get around 50 grand right out of college. I'll take that lol.

I see the use of this... I mean, I really do.. Heck, I'm a conservative, so the majority of the stuff the riot police use doens't bug me and I think of as kinda cool. This though... Well.. :/ I get why it's helpful, but... uh... You taze someone too long and what happens? Not really a whole lot. You use the

Jefferson also believed that a constitution should be destroyed and created anew every 19 years... Doesn't make him right.

As a Christian, I mean, if left to our own devices I don't see anything stopping us from making machines that can emulate a human brain. Personally I doubt we'll be around that long, but IMO, the most easily understood segment of Revelations is Wormwood, or a fiery mountain crashing into the ocean and turning it

Given how Apply has a tendency to patent everything they think of (regardless of whether it gets scrapped the same day) and then goes patent trolling, I don't particularly mind this. I never heard one way or the other.. Did Google ever finish the purchase of Motorola? If so, that's probably how they got their money

Anything that improves quality of life like this could is definitely something I could get behind. We'll see what happens I guess...

They did this on Mythbusters a few years back...

And the number of rootkit downloads skyrockets...

lol no problem ;)

Well, as someone who is religious, it's not that we are against stem cells, just embryonic ones. You want to use adult SC's, mammary SC's, chord blood, or iPS's and we're fine with it. It's not the stem cells themselves that we care about. It's just that we are against abortion and that's how embryonic stem cells

Well, I'm a programmer, so I guess that means I'm safe for the duration assuming this is correct.

Possibly start fire != blow up house.

I guess that's true, but that doesn't stop some madman from using it. I mean, sure the vast majority of them are indoctrinated religious fanatics (so far as I can tell since I know perfectly decent Muslims), but there have to be a few that are just plain psychotic that wouldn't hesitate to do such a thing. O.o

Please let there be a vaccine.. Please let there be a vaccine.. PLEASE FREAKING LET THERE BE A VACCINE!!!!!

Somehow, I don't really think death scares them... :/

First off, this video has since been removed because of the obvious hazards it presented.

Every once in a while, the government does something right ;)