
I hadn't even thought of that, but that is definitely something that should happen. I don't know the numbers (and no one probably actually does), but I'm sure that they do abuse loopholes and cost the government a significant amount of money.

I'm not saying that they aren't jerks, but I somehow get the feeling that there are some up there who actually do care about the rest of the world. Though what you referred me to was a very interesting post and provided a perspective I hadn't seen before on the matter. If someone were to create something that saved

you know, they aren't all necessarily evil...

by raising taxes...

The US is in debt. You can raise taxes and/or cut funding. Pick your poison.

If the purpose of this was to program neurons, why'd they have to do it cross-species with human embryonic stem cells, touching on two moral issues? It just seems like they could have avoided both of those easily, but they just chose to take the road of most resistance just because they could...

So, the solution to drinking antifreeze is to get stone-cold drunk from getting alcohol pumped into you...

This is great news. Hopefully this will provide data regarding how stem cells transform, leading to easier treatment in general and easier use of non-embryonic stem cells. (Please don't get up in arms over those with opposing viewpoints.) Even if you don't agree with the views of those who are against embryonic

You're right... There are a few of us around here, but not too many...

Both my girlfriend and I are CS majors and she kicks my butt at calculus. Of course, I best her at CS, so it balances out ;)

Amoebas are actually quite large, and disregarding things like eggs, they are some of the largest single cells (though yes, things like muscle cells and neurons can be waaaaaaay longer).

"Are nukes ugly weapons that cause mass devastation? Yep."

I'm sorry you feel that way. There are some of us from the religious right that actually try to listen and compromise with people, though I will definitely have to say that those of us that do are definitely outnumbered by those who don't.

You know, we are talking about the country that convinced it's pilots to fly into aircraft carriers right? Their motto was "fight to the last man." The only reason they gave up was because they realized that they would have to (or at least according to our bluff they would).

Japan was obsessed with conquering a good chunk of the globe and if they hadn't officially lost, they would have been back to their tendencies towards conquering as soon as we left. So..

Uhh... We'd already razed pretty much every major city they had with fire bombs. Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't even that large, relatively speaking. It's just that they were pretty much all that was left.

I'm with westwood. Regardless of your religion (or lack thereof), if you want to cause mass murder, I think it's a perfectly fine to call you a lunatic.

One of my friends heard this from his professor the other day...

So.. Not being an expert here, what's the advantage of using these as opposed to iPS? Let's not get into the embryonic discussion, though please.

As I did you lol.