
That is the first military UI I've seen that isn't ugly.

Any medical advances that obviously save lives are great. They'd probably have limited life spans, but hey, if you could extend someone's survival a little longer, you'd be more likely to get that organ.

That graph is pretty dang impressive. And in all honesty, it does certainly make sense. If a woman has good associations with something, she'd be more likely to. I mean, if a woman has good associations with a day, she'd probably be in a better mood on those days, and if she's in a better mood, she probably feels

There would be on the south slopes. The north slopes would be dryer, but the wind is still quite intense that high up, resulting in common whiteouts. Not quite conducive to collecting light.

Uh.. I think you mean north-facing. The south side of the Himalayas faces the Indian Ocean and receives heavy precipitation.

First off, where are you going to put them there? There are these things called mountains that are very steep and make it difficult to create sun-tracking arrays.

Agreed. This is just terrible. Sure, I didn't ever like Sesame Street, but putting porn on a kids site is just.. Ugh...

I loved my razr. Now I've got a Droid X, but my razr was definitely a good phone for its time. Motorola has some living up to do. But if the specs are right, this will be awesome.

Umm... If a person isn't actively thinking, then true or false: they need something to keep them on standby.

In the modern day, the plague is treatable. Left untreated, yeah, it will still kill. You want to know why it doesn't kill you now? It's because we pump the infected full of antibiotics and send them on their way. Pestis ain't exactly the most durable bug out there. Sure, medieval techniques didn't work by any

I'm still hoping/wishing/dreaming/really-doubt-it'll-ever-happen-but-still-really-want-it-to that EM Drives will be produced. Then aircraft carriers would suddenly get turned from aquatic ships to aerial fortresses. In all honesty, if EMD's worked, the space race will end as we know it and change into a mass

Anyone who's watched a bunch of medical shows will know that they still do this if blood is filling up in the brain or other like problems. It's still wildly dangerous given the obvious fact that if you hit the brain, you can kill them (or at minimum severely brain damage them).

So does the article mean that there were tanks of methane and ethanol? Both are highly flammable, but I'd say that methane would be worse given it's desire to boil at atmospheric pressure.

I love a good snow storm. The last time central Indiana got a good six feet was in 1998 (and that was before drifting lol). Luckily, it came down slow enough for the roads to stay open and there was no ice. That's really about the perfect snow storm. All the wonder of smothering everything in white, without the

I've heard of that study and I pay particular attention to any news about type I as my brother has it.

If this is what I read recently on Popsci, bear in mind that this only pertains to type II diabetes. Type I (which has nothing to do with the eating habits of the afflicted) is not affected by the treatment.

At this point, the US just has air supremacy. I mean, we've had it for a while, but hopefully these will help transfer the power from ultra-powerful squad killers to more versatile craft for counter insurgency purposes.

I've heard that Harriers were actually incredibly unsteady. Fighters these days are practically flying supercomputers, so it's probably a lot easier to land.

as you approach the speed of light you slow down, so if you were to go passed it, you would have crossed zero and thus time would flip.

That's basically what I said.. As in, the printers would all the non-electronic components and the robots would build more printers/robots.