
I'm just waiting for a 3D printer to be able to make all the components needed for another 3D printer and assemble them using a robot it also produced.

I was referring to actual image files when you zoom in in something like PS or GIMP, but I'd completely forgotten about the pixels themselves.

This isn't really that surprising.. Think of pixels in a high-res image. If you look at something up-close, it looks absolutely terrible. When zoomed out to the normal distance on the other hand, it looks great. When you put things next to each other that are similar wavelengths, the brain/eyes tend to blend them

It's just annoying. I mean, obviously, the majority of arabs have absolutely no inkling to fly themselves into buildings. It's just a small minority that really really wants to watch the world burn in the name of jihad. Dying for your faith is generally a pretty noble thing to do, regardless of whether I agree with

Honestly, I'm tempted to get one and put it in a survival kit. I'd normally get the spyder III, but that's less visible and shining a giant green "help me" beam into the sky that's brighter is going to drastically improve chances of getting found. Not to mention the fact that it's probably a really darn good

That was spectacular.

That little robot is terrifying. If I remember correctly, Blendo's the one that got banned for being *too* good (and unsafe). Viscious little dome of death it is...

I'm certainly not saying we aren't a significant cause of climate change. I'm just saying that we aren't all the cause, the extent to which I do not know. And of course we should take measures to try to avert this sort of thing.

I can't wait for the hate that might rain down on me for this... Just please read my whole post before you start pounding your keyboard with profanity...

On the one hand I'm glad that these are actually relatively realistic. On the other hand, I just said "realistic." Fact is, they aren't. 1, 2, 3, and the last ones are the closest to being realistic so far as I can tell. 4 isn't so bad except for the helmet, lack of thigh protection, and shoulders.

So.. Someone just watched The Day the Earth Stood Still. That's been out for how many decades?

Cheap and anything dealing with space are pretty much mutually exclusive. Yes, once we get one, you can bet these things are going to start popping out of the equator all over the place. As it stands, you need a super-strong cable that can only support a limited number of cars at once and if there is only one, that

I hope this thing is guarded by AA guns, a small fleet, possibly defense satellite, and lots of planes flying overhead. If this thing breaks, you have just lost an unheard of sum of money. This sort of thing would be guarded with a vengeance. Come within 300 miles without being on a UN sanctioned vessel (on board

This just reminds me again of my theory of a maximum population-connectivity. Simply put, as populations increase, the civilians and psychos increase proportionally, but as the density of civilians and psychos become more connected (via the internet and the like), the strength and influence the psychos can have

That's just scary... I live in indiana and was there only days earlier...

I'm surprised he didn't say, "I fell on it."

My girlfriend and best friend (excluding family of course).

Somehow I think people are going to start coating their roofs in aluminum now...

If this can turn genius pilots (the average fighter pilot's IQ is way above the general populace's average) into people who can't remember how to operate a radio.. What happens if you expose some normal person with this?

Super low frequency stuff certainly makes sense as far as the potential to mess with your head, but there are other people all over the world that live closer to wind farms that are fine.