This is Leicester we’re talking about here; was there any doubt that their championship finish was going to come on anything other than a fucking Thai?
This is Leicester we’re talking about here; was there any doubt that their championship finish was going to come on anything other than a fucking Thai?
Yeah, that’s what I thought. You got nothing.
So far, you’ve failed to mention any of those “other scenarios” that might commonly lead to rents being lowered. Sure, it might happen every once in a while to a lucky few, but generally, that’s not the way renting works.
Yes, pretty much constantly thanks to inflation. My $1,500 mortgage payment that started in 2010 is now equivalent to paying $1,375. This is only 5 years during a period of low inflation. Do you realize what the cost of my mortgage will be 10-15 years from now? Let’s be honest now, why would anyone lower rent?…
I’ve never seen rent go down in my area, but I bought with an APR of 5.125, and I now have an APR of 3.65. So yeah, my mortgage went down a couple hundred a month.
a college kid smoking weed is not a story at all.
He is a prophet for us all.
Costanza would be proud of you.
“The tremors and temporary blindness were a little disconcerting, but all in all 8/10.”
Sorry, but all of the other fugly uniforms you showed in an attempt to make ours look bad, actually make ours look better by comparison.
Landlords don’t decrease rent out of the goodness of their hearts. If rent drops, it’s due to negative forces pushing it down (property decline, neighborhood decline, glut of rental units in an area, etc.). But you go right on believing what you want to believe.
If your rent goes down, you are either living in a shitty apt or a shitty area, maybe both.
Yup, and then you refinance a few years down the line and it goes down even more.
So does this make him more or less likely to be signed by the Cowboys?
Most Depressing Video Ever
This is the biggest win for the Canes since like 2007.
That’s the Twitter equivalent of selling someone’s mom to ISIS for a Chipotle gift card.
The last time a Hurricane got this testy a Ward was destroyed, and I’m not talking about Cam.
We all are. We think "Shit, Rick stuffs great things in people's mouth to enjoy" and "Skip sticks his foot into his mouth for all of us to endure".
Whoa, cool - if you look at that photo of Bayless above, and kind of let your eyes slip out of focus, he looks almost exactly like the desiccated, windblown mummy he would instantly turn into if people stopped paying attention to him for five consecutive minutes.