
How arrogant do you have to be to think that another person owes you (or anybody else) a “good case” for why they like something? If someone feels like telling you why they enjoy something when questioned, that’s all well and good, but it’s just as acceptable for the answer to simply be “because I enjoy it”.

You’re projecting. Calm down and quit assigning your own inadequacies to others. You’re just making a fool of yourself in public.

No, “silly” is you believing that anyone owes you an explanation when questioned about exercising one of their Constitutional rights. Fuck off with that noise.

Sure about that?

I’d fill that Olympic-sized pool up with ping-pong balls.

True story.

Oh boo-fucking-hoo.

“And by instrument, I mean my penis.”

No, you may not. We live in a free society that legally allows citizens this right, that’s all the reason needed.

Stephens said someone had asked her son why he didn’t have a clip in the gun and told him to put it in. “As he put the clip in the gun, that is when the gun went off,” the grieving mother added.


All that to say that you definitely have one in your shower.

It’s comical that you think Canada has anywhere near the number of veterans that the US does.

“Don’t you mean that book suppository building?”

Sorry, but this just sounds absolutely insane.



LMAO at the libtarded denial required to refer to the crowd seen in those 2017 photos as “no one came”.

I was an employee of a media outlet that was purposely destroyed by a vindictive lawsuit bankrolled by a billionaire who is now one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisors. Does that make me a hero?

The irony that this weak-sauce piece is written by Hamilton Nolan is so thick you could cut it with a steak knife, then slather it with ketchup and eat it.