
I see one person in Portland, Maine. Maybe I'll be there.

"...but I do believe that grinding them is more humane than gassing as the death is instant and painless where gassing they are left gaping for air for ten plus minutes before they finally suffocate."

@Michael Scrip: My point is that you can be closer to base-jumper if you shoot it vertically. Shooting it horizontally would force you to quickly pan the camera up and down.

@Michael Scrip: Last time I checked most camera phones don't have 4k resolution like most theaters. I agree that shooting video horizontally and not vertically is much, much better 99% of the time, but I think bungee jumping might be one of the exceptions ;)

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

I'm going to the apple store later to try this out...

I plan to camp out by my computer starting now while I wait for all of the online black Friday deals.

I was waiting for the alligator to swing its head around and bite the cat in half. What actually happened is even more epic.

@weissn001: Exactly. Most of the time I'm in a car, there are at least 2 other people in it. And then as this article mentions, what would happen in a case of an emergency?

Everyday I am amazed at what the human body is capable of. Today I am amazed what doctors are capable of.

@DanyBrancho: Sort of. Wicked lasers was harvesting the laser diodes from the A130 models which are $800 and 2000 lumens. Each projector has 24 of the 445nm diodes.

I have an urge to find his address and mail him many different packages of different sizes and weights all unlabeled, but with an audible ticking clock in the inside of each one.

@Cromwell: iTunes HD videos also have an extremely low bitrate too. Most people don't realize that bitrate is just as important (and often more important) than resolution.

Damn, I'm about half way done with the development of an iPhone app which does the same exact thing. I started with the idea for this over a year ago, but have never finished it. Oh well, I'll just have to make mine better in some way.

So will the "sources" who say the original "source / tipster" was fired, be fired?

I'm guessing they used a laser etcher to etch each piece of toast with each frame in the animation.

I did this once with a VNC loop. It's neat how the later frames have a slight delay which creates a wave effect when you move the window.

I sense a funny GIF in the making...

@Relyt: Yup, I'm not planning on upgrading either. I think many Gizmodo readers will fit into this small subset. I've been using OS X for the past couple years and have grown to love it, but I'm switching back to Windows 7 now.

@Fossa: Why couldn't this be used as a 3D rig? Both the distance and the angle between the lenses could be adjusted giving different POVs.