
I really enjoy these in concept but there's a small problem in the execution- I'm a Floridian. It's hot, all the time. Adding an extra layer just is not a good idea, no matter how useful something is.

Yes, they're ugly. But remember, we had smartphones long before RIM made them pretty, and Apple made them prettier.

I've found, if you care about content, you use RSS. I had used, fallen away from it.... until the Gawker redesign made Lifehacker, io9 and Gizmodo completely hideous. Then I jumped back in.

Heck yes. I want this. The frames will change. Heck, we're inventing new types of frames today, and eyeglasses were invented in 1286. Hells yeah. I'm up for looking dumb for a prototype of the future.

Yeah, this is fantastic. I'd watch it. I'd make my kids watch it.

The entire ebook trilogy is available for free on the Amazon Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime. It's also popular & old enough to be found in most libraries

You know, I was just thinking about this. Not this precisely, but close.

Anyone else wish there was an option of a fireproof shirt on there?

I can't use Fibonacci, or any type of active thought. Even something as simple as "watching the shadow from the flickering modem" can keep me awake.

I use a form of weaving that a sound tech taught me years ago called "Daisy Chaining" that people now use for paracord creations. It turns the headphone cord into a weave about the diameter of my wrist. To turn it back into headphones, just yank on it, and the weave falls apart. I can weave it back fairly quickly, and

Or... you can do what Blizzard and Riot does. Making their most expensive game only exist serverside kinda defeats traditional piracy. WoW is 100% serverside. Starcraft you CAN play single player, but the bulk of the game is the multiplayer aspect. They're making Diablo 3 the same way.

@bob_d That's not entirely true. Games like Bioshock or Silent Hill 2 have very telling narratives that drive the story, or subtle ones like finishing either Deus Ex Human Revolution or Final Fantasy VI.

I used to agree. I used to love books. Then I spent a year working in a warehouse that specialized in used books. It was there, spending months and months among giant pallets and gaylords of books that no one wanted. Sure, we made money, and business was decent - but the amount of physical labor digging through the

That's not fair. One of the few problems we of German descent have is step one of any plan is "invade Poland". We've had that problem for a long time. If my memory of history serves, we've had that problem even before there WAS a Poland.

I think the "BWAAHN" music from Inception would have worked near the end there.

That's funny. Our schools just pointed a camera at the clock in the office, and used the TV-announcement system so each class had a "clock" that was always the same. Sure, it was just a TV, but still.

Clarke's First Law: "When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong"

You have to realize that science doesn't happen linearly. A bona fide invention that can be replicated incorporates relatively quickly to our civilization.

But then, if you have to pee? This doesn't sound like a universally useful solution.

What's funny is I JUST wrote about this.