
I like Stephen King... But I'm really tired of the movie trope "Writer with Writer's block goes to cabin in woods where supernatural happens". I'm just over it. It's overdone, and never fresh.

I believe nigh-everything is cloud based, so you'd have to "cloud drive" most of it. However, I'd assume that there will be some amount of storage that you can simply swap around whenever you're in a wifi or using Whispernet.

Unless you're already using Opera Mobile on your current device... then you've already decided you're going to use cloud-based proxies :D

The iPad comparisons will stop when 68% of tablets purchased are no longer iPads.

Mummy? Are you my Mummy? Mummy!?

I'm pretty sure Yahoo uses Bing now.

Even if he couldn't fix one himself, he could take $30, buy pizzas, and invite a half-dozen CompSci majors over to fix his AND the others.

That's really innovative. 'Cause Spotify ALREADY DOES THIS.

Heck no. Touch interface is so NOT long-long-ago. Gesture-based is where it's at. You keep the lightsaber at your side, clipped to your belt, and move your hand to play Angry Droids.

THAT's what I'm supposed to put in here. I knew I wanted a geeky Bandolier for some reason

Really? Protect Military Ships against Mines??

That's what I came here to say. Starz doesn't sound like a huge loss, until you realize DISNEY uses Starz distributing. That's right kids: No more Disney movies, no more Phineas & Ferb on demand. That's going to be a deafening blow to Netflix. Because "families" is a huge, massive draw of the service right now.

I'm very strict into the "It depends" category.

Needs more Aurebesh

I just hope I'm not working tech support when this comes out. That... that's going to require more patience than most people have.

Well, considering where Gene Therapy has gone in the past 10 years... you could be glowing in the next 10 years.

What do I want to see, as lovingly stolen from my metaphysical imaginary operating system, JarvOS

Nope. I've been starred on Gizmodo for a bit, but never on i09 or Lifehacker.

While true, some people are simply not close to libraries. I'm on the very bottom tip of Jacksonville, almost in the next county, and all of the Libraries are a drive into town. So there is a fee, in gas out of pocket. There is a possibility that the library you go to may not have the item you're looking for, or more