I expect better than this from you, Giz. We've been doing this for years. Just now, it's being called a game, and NOW you're getting mad about it.
I expect better than this from you, Giz. We've been doing this for years. Just now, it's being called a game, and NOW you're getting mad about it.
This is absolutely brilliant. All of the benefits of going to the library, none of the downsides, all for a decent fee a month.
They [paper towel and toilet paper tubes] are also really, really useful as cheap, eternally-available and easily-written-on Cord organizers. To pass the "Wife Test" on our last move, all cables we kept had to be demarked, and this was a simple way to do it. Also it kinda squared them off, making them easier to pack…
I would get around that by mention of a library. Stop by the day before and after the Sabbath.
Reminds me of Leonard's Apartment-in-a-Shipping-container from Cory Doctorow's For the Win.
Even Cypher's language-translation was pretty cool. The only one I have right now is the ability to lose things in a period of time inversely proportional to the importance of that object.
Reminds me of when Zombies attacked that town in England, Milla Jovovich tweeted "I guess the zombies heard the fam n I were taking a weekend trip & thought this wld b a good time 2 start the apocalypse!"
Well, up until that point, the current trailer for the Spiderman movie FEATURED World Trade Centers 1 & 2. So I kinda understand it.
I thought the main hate of Apollo 18 was towards the erp-derp ending, not the monsters...
With that picture, I'd rather say "I'm a rock monster now. Rock monsters are cool"
Also, in Pontypool, it spreads by listening to the infected speak.
Bike shed? What?
You forgot the last line of your article, right after "So what did I learn? Google the shit out of your next online date. Like, hardcore."
That, I think, is my main objection to Doctor Who. With the exceptions of minor mentions here and there ("I just saved the planet in a bathrobe. I look like Arthur Dent. He was a great guy" or "Good Ol' J.K.!"), the writers could have a field day of having the good Doctor show up in different genres:
As a native Floridian, hurricanes are my favorite natural disaster. You always see them coming, and some smart thinking will keep you set for years.
If Apple means "new, never done before" as in something they've never done before, i'm thinking either:
Man, I wish my kids would sleep in.
Yes, saving the industry 40 billion dollars is a huge waste because the customer probably won't see it.
As someone else who works in IT, no one cares what we think.
He was trying to make the introduction less racist.