SOMEONE! find the guys who make mini-Jeeps. They are amazing.
SOMEONE! find the guys who make mini-Jeeps. They are amazing.
SOMEONE! find the guys who make mini-Jeeps. They are amazing.
3G version went 4.0 = dog slow. I mean painfully slow. by the time it loaded a notes all, I forgot what I wanted to note!!!
I apologize for yelling:
@Reflexx: OH and one more thing! I'll personally design and build a sliding keyboard frame (ala OQO) to hold a BT keyboard. then it will be perfect!!!
Well, that was easy. I now have to wait just a bit more and get the exact device I've been waiting for for over 10 years. But I'm assuming there's 3G in there somewhere?
I love my skullcandies. $10 to $15 for the "earplug" style with silicone ends fit me perfectly. In a noisy environment (machine shop or motorcycle) I don't need $100 buds. I also tend to wear them out and destroy them on a regular basis. I'm plugged in about 10 hours a day. 80% podcasts, 20% trance at Crossfit.
I've been waiting for a 7" tablet for a long time. I was hoping that the Ipad would be 7" when it came out and it's the only (besides price!) reason I have not purchased one yet.
Les.... eats "Bears" for lunch.
@tony23654: I still have a poster of a FalcoRustyco. Awesome dream bike that never came to be.
Nowadays we seem to be rewarding good looking pictures. Why not wait till he builds the damn thing and THEN praise him for an amazing design. That takes skills well beyond pictures on a PC.
And a college education will mean even less....
7" ipad. wow, now i'm lost. that 's the only reason I don't buy the current ipad (too big!)
Everyone say it with me....
three years of Onenote. Just switched to Evernote. I'll stay here for a while. Until these programs can speak to me in a sultry female voice and read my mind, I'll do the organizing myself.
I've been a Travis fan since the day I saw the 8 year old knock over a concrete wall with his dad's Bobcat. This kid's got personality, charm, talent, and BALLS!!!