This. She knows talking crazy and putting on a low-cut dress will get her paid. So she keeps scraping the bottom of the barrel to get the most airtime so she can shill her crappy books.
This. She knows talking crazy and putting on a low-cut dress will get her paid. So she keeps scraping the bottom of the barrel to get the most airtime so she can shill her crappy books.
Word. I'd make all the same choices. Also as soon as Eric asked me to be his with that doe eyed sweetness I would have said yes before he could close his mouth.
This right here. Shout out to the lying bastards at Degree! I am neither dry or free of gross pit snow. Clinical strength be damned.
Hells yeah! That series is awesome!
She has books to move. Before Pailin there was Coulter to lead the way for opportunistic broads who get paid for saying awful shit. She is the absolute worst.
Hearted on GP.
Man. She is awesome! I feel like we don't get enough Pam.
Hahahaha! If they threw in some nekkid Eric as well it would be a win all around.
Good question. When he shows up he needs to be naked. Please and thank you.
YES! What a horrid little underminer she is. Every word in that sentence was trigger language which was the equivalent of handing a fifth of vodka to a recovering alcoholic. How about when Kayla was in labor and went to her mom because she suspected her water broke, the broad actually said maybe she was wet because…
1. Hearted
Ah yes! The Eau de Douchbag cologne the store emits like poison gas. When I worked in Lower Manhattan it was a guarantee that I would have an asthma attack if I walked past the South Street Seaport store. Good times.
Yes! All that was missing was for him to drop the mic and throw his hands up.
I need someone to show me his wallet. It's got to have Bad Motherfucker on it.
Exactly. Demi, you aren't a newbie. You know what time it is so please feel free to go have a seat somewhere. Please and thanks.
Hey Rush! *cupping hands for megaphone effect* YOU'RE A FAT DRUG ADDICT!!!! That said, you also smoke cigars. Methinks you are in no place to talk about anybody's healthy anything. What I want more than anything is more shutting the fuck up from you. Please and thanks.
Amen! *raising paws*
@calamityjean: Um. Word.
@PintSizeParamour: Truth. She sure would and she has. She clocked someone at the club for trying to say something slick about Snooks once. That's when I knew I loved her.
@curiousgeorgiana: I need him to drown in a vat of Shut The Fuck Up.