
I think it was the fundamental shift that happened in the U.S. 55 years ago with the belief that a company’s only responsibility is to increase profits (thank you Milton Friedman). Most people still believe this, yet act surprised when cost cutting measures have negative consequences for the general public. It’s the

I was confident George would fold against the union; there’s no way Fellowes of all people is going to treat George like he’s more or less a good guy for a season and a half and then have him brutally shoot a bunch of his own employees. Which is all part of Fellowes’s “oh, the rich assholes in charge might be

When I lived in NY in the late 90s and worked as a fashion editor, everyone called it the Met Ball

Yeah a competent GC who has already proven she can handle crisis would be the perfect person to keep things on even keel until the sale could go through. One of the sources of constant enjoyment for me throughout the show’s run is how delusional the three kids are about the ability to run a global media empire. Gerri

There’s no debate - she was GREEK.

The most neutral thing I can say is that its unclear who Cleopatras birth mother is, it was probably her fathers sister but its possible he had a Mistress.  In which case she'd be part Egyptian, and whether Egyptians are black or not is an argument I'm not going to start.  But I will note contemporary descriptions,

^^^^^^^^^^Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

“Amir in his bedroom in Cairo wrote to me to earnestly appeal that ‘Cleopatra was Greek!’ Oh, Lawd! Why would that be a good thing to you, Amir? You’re Egyptian.”

Graphically demonstrated with Aemma’s death.

As a nurse who used to work post partum I can tell you that there was no chance Laena would have survived a C-section. She would have bled out very quickly due to the nature of the blood supply that is developed to sustain a pregnancy. Even today in the real world with all its medical advances hemorrhage is one of the

Controversial take but he has no business being salty. Look, I get it...GoT didn’t land the ending. But it is largely Martin’s fault.

Yeah, I’m not even watching the show, just reading these recaps/reviews, and I still don’t understand where the reviewer is coming up with this wonderful, magical, intriguing mystery surrounding Laena’s death.

You can’t turn a breech baby at this point, nohow. If you’re going to try to do that, you have to do it before it settles down into the pelvis. I have done this, at about the 8 month mark or a little before, and it was difficult and risky, but the mom was determined not to have a C-section, so I agreed to try. It was

“I don’t understand why people feel the need for every single little thing to be spelled out for them.”

“This is a canny political move—and very bad news for Laenor. With the princess’ reluctant blessing, Daemon pays Ser Qarl a hefty sum to publicly murder his lover....The two manage to fake Laenor’s death.

Absolutely loved this show and season from start to finish. The way every episode, especially in the latter half of the season, had its own distinct flavor and felt almost like a mini movie. The show is asking complex questions and induces a feverish anxiety and moral ambiguity for its characters like nothing else on

Big difference between dying from wounds sustained in a tournament and getting your face smashed in on the dance floor, but go off. It did feel lazy and motivated by the usual “OMG SHOCKING WEDDING MOMENT” Game of Thrones nonsense, up to and including the shot of Joffrey’s face.

I am gonna rant about the biggest issue with GoT tv show because no one else in my life cares. lol

YES. Everyone else treats it as Logan being Logan, he’s done it before...but Shiv sees something different this time.

For all that some people are complaining that there’s not enough character development or whatever, the show’s done a brilliant job slowly and subtly weaselling Kerry into Logan’s inner circle.