
Funny, for me, it required watching the third episode before I finally got into the show. I was on the fence, about to pull the plug, and thought one more and then I’ll make my mind up. Glad I did, because I personally believe the show came together from that point onwards.

Very good analysis. I love that fact that you barely see Kilgrave for the first half of the series, yet his presence looms larger and larger in each episode, like he is spreading virus.

This broke my heart. :(

I think you win...sadly. Jesus Christ.



That’s damn cold.

I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.

My mom is an incredible woman but suffers from alcoholism. Sometimes she is a very mean drunk and during those times she has said the most cruel things about my appearance- seizing on my insecurities I had shared with her and throwing them back in my face. But the worst was when she sarcastically said my rape was hard

“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom

I was imagining a bubble saying “Click to pick up” when Maddie rolled up on the pistol.

I agree; he doesn’t have to like the show. But he’s consistently getting basic crap wrong which makes it feel like he’s half-watching while typing his review on the couch and finishing it in 15 minutes. It’s just lazy writing.

Totally agree. Some shows deserve their disdain—see the reviews for the Strain. Some shows need a little tongue in cheek—see Meredith doing True Blood.

The daughter wasn’t cutting herself; she was taking the drawing her dead-boyfriend made on her arm and making it permanent via self-tattoo.

Buffy also had sexual assault. Ruined Spike as a character.

Man, remember that other show about vampire hunters that could actually kill The Master in a single season, without anyone getting almost raped?

“See what happens when you take me out of the equation?”

I’ve been convincing myself to keep watching; there were things earlier on that I really liked, but the show’s been wearing on me. I just stopped watching when the CDC research scientist decided he can perform major abdominal surgery because someone gave him a bag with stuff in it.