

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

Is Leslie Nielsen the straight man in Airplane? With lines like "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley" and "He needs to go to a hospital" "Why, what is it?" "It's a big brick building with patients in it but that's not important right now."

I spend quite a bit of time on the island of Jura, (which is Diura in Gaelic) the name of which means Island of Deer, so that gives an idea of how many of them there are compared to the people.

I love this person more than I love my wife. Unless... Mrs. Seneca, is that you? Are you really a satirist in disguise?

don't send people to a planet whose atmosphere is full of chemicals that would instantly explode in contact with each other

Well, considering that the company's name was edited out of news stories, it seems improbable that it was an accident. It was a massive cover-up; the only real question is the level of government complicity or if it was wholly the actions of the corrupt Morinaga company.

...and why governments too closely associated with brands are compromised...

Wow. That is some 90's level CGI. Looks like a lost Babylon 5 episode.

Bite your tongue!

Now playing

Well, that was an easy Google search lol... Here is the full episode. Also, some YouTube comments say the entire thing was produced in only four days. Wheel of Time TV pilot: "Winter Dragon":

Half of each season is spent on close up shots detailing the stitching on Nynaeve's dresses.

Dont' watch it...its terrible..cheapest thing i have seen on tv in decades