
It's a good thing Acura didn't squander this final moment with an incredibly lazy and overpriced rebadge.

What the fuck is a “pogchamp”? I’m assuming it doesn’t mean what it would have meant when I was a child. 

I consider Reagan to be the HIV to Trump's AIDS. We didn't get here overnight, and the seeds of a lot of our current problems were firmly planted in the 80s.

Sounds like you were too busy snorting coke off of of a hookers ass to pay attention to politics.  

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

You’re right, I would be. Telling it like it is and making people hear hard truths is very out of style when it comes to politics, on both sides.

They are looking for the same thing they’ve always been looking for:
Someone relatable.

That’s why an overweight, white, greedy, narcissistic, racist, sexist, crooked, lying psychopath is currently the president.

I don’t like libel, so I checked every single word used here and I believe it is accurate.

Probably one who doesn't fight to strip them of healthcare and transfer their wealth to the super rich.

Or it shows how good a politician she is, seeing as that’s part of the job description; lying, deceit, and fooling people into thinking you actually care about them to get their votes.

Between their sequels and their OWN videogames, you aren’t wrong. 

Yeah i agree, it would be different if there was only the first movie in these franchises, but both RoboCop and Rambo have strayed so far from the originals that having them fight time hopping ninjas aint really that much of a stretch anymore

To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

Cancel culture isn’t a real thing dog breath. Enjoy your gatcha games. Buy a jpeg for hundreds of dollars if you want, say it’s for pwning the libtards!

Why do people like you act like “cancel culture” is a thing, particularly a “new” thing. “Cancelling” unwanted behaviours is how humans have gotten this far and it’s not something new. It’s just a term used by morons who feel like they are a victim for behaving like a moron.

Go fuck yourself you CCP piece of shit.

In what way is standing up against a totalitarian government “cancel culture”? This isn’t some Twitter spat of some celeb making an oopsie.

Remember, folks, many of your fellow citizens are selfish psychopaths who would rather you or your loved ones needlessly suffer and die, than they have to do without a petty luxury for themselves.

Reminds me of Ps1's startup sound. Not a bad nostalgia-string to pluck.

Lol @ fucking FOMO culture. No one’s life will be significantly impacted if they get their XBox word jumble or PS5 in February of next year instead.

Well, that sucks.