
Most people can’t even use full 4k with these consoles since it requires HDMI 2.1 which lots of TVs don’t have unless you just bought a TV.

I legit thought this was the S that was already released. I was confused on why this was news. 

If only it had games I was interested in playing but couldn’t play somewhere else...

What is the reliability like on these things? It’s an interesting car, but if it’s a POS, I don’t want to waste the money.

My entire buying decision for SW squadrons will depend on how long the SP campaign is. I couldn’t care less about MP. If I’m gonna by a flight stick and the game, it better be long like tie fighter

If I play my version of control on PS5, will it fix some of the massive framerate drops during combat? I assume it would since the hardware is beefier.

This world would be a better place without the internet and cell phones.

OMG. The framerate drops during intense battles are so fucked. 

This show became unwatchable once every episode just became the family being shitheads to each other and then making up at the end. 

I mean, it’s looked like shit from day 1. This isn’t a surprise.

I just want to know what happened with Doc!!!

There is a lot of anger over what looks to be another run-of-the-mill been there, done that, game.

Yeah. This will be bargain-bin at best.

Sad. Still nothing convincing me to get an new Xbox. The only thing interesting, to me, is coming to PC anyway.

It’s $20... That’s 2 dollars per hour. That’s not a good value to you?

That game looks like it’s gonna have serious camera issues.

I call bullshit. He knows very well why he was banned.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Do people actually buy these tiny ass things???

Humans are awful. Just awful.