
Today has to be one of, if not the most exciting days for fans of comics and scifi.


Imagine if an NBA team did this? That would be a complicated media reaction.

The real Red Wedding is all the vertical videos.

In early 2007 I decided I needed to start looking for a replacement for my 92 Ford Explorer, little repairs were starting to add up and I figured the next big problem that pops up would be expensive enough that it wouldn't be worth fixing. This was the first year of the 4-door Jeep Wranglers, and I was thinking it

The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.

I went to Germany a couple of summers ago and we flew in and out of Frankfort. Apart from a LONG walk to the rental cars and having a difficult time finding the rental car return, it didn’t seem an out of the ordinary airport experience.

It's Indiana, not Insteve.

Never ever say 'What is Kinja?' three times while looking into a mirror...

Great piece, and only one small quibble. Rovell is not "harmless". His worldview is profoundly nihilistic and destructive, which itself isn't a problem, but becomes one when he incessantly peddles it to his x00,000 followers (he blocked me long ago, so I can't look up his stats). He's a sociopath with a large platform.

The Everglades is all going to be on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico in a very few years anyway.

The pythons are a problem, but they are not, actually, "descended from former pets that were released into the wild" - rather, the vast majority of them are descended from a number of pythons that escaped when the facility they were stored in was damaged in a hurricane.

Isn't it possible that he merely forgot that he had committed to signing with Browns?

"I just went back at somebody, and they weren't even throwing punches."

And to those people I say: My mom went out with my dad because she wanted to meet my dad's roommate. He badgered her into dating him. He had to badger her into marrying him.

They fucking hate each other. It sounds romantic from the outside, but it is not. cute. up. close.


If you're running the spread offense, I can't imagine anything more spread out that placing your players all over the country on different teams.

This is like putting a senator on the science committee who believes Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs...oh wait, he already has that position.

Some of us need to drink to make being around people like you tolerable.