
I hate to be that guy, but I'm enjoying the schadenfreude watching a city/team that spent the better part of 3 years getting over "the betrayal" of LeBron suddenly come crying back like it never happened.....and now being completely burned by his antics as the team spins into the toilet.

You know you're learning a language and can understand individual words you're reading but those individual words don't really give you context to understand the sentences...this is how I felt reading this article in my native language.

That male cheerleader just ran through the Ohio state football team, the ducks should see if he can transfer at halftime

That male cheerleader is like something out of a Marines commercial.

She tourniquets her arm at the elbow with an ice pick and towel, washes the blood off, puts the offending knife onto the gas fire, heats it to a nice brick red and...wait for it...cauterize her own arm.

MPGs? Really?

The photographer's job was to take photos of Christie throughout the game. He was sent there by to do EXACTLY THAT.

It's not nearly the indecipherable rubric you are pretending it is. He didn't maintain possession to the ground.

It wasn't a catch because he was falling towards the ground when he gained possession of the ball (note he double clutches it before he gains possession).

Swift's life has been spiralling downwards for awhile now. It looks like it may have finally reached the bottom.

I mean, he looked pretty accurate to me!

Lithuania's Got Negligible Talent

I'd suggest he enter a 12-step program, but he's already shown he's hopeless when it comes to going through progressions.

I started with just cutting back on extra helpings, garbage food etc etc and then taking walks for an hour or two. After I shed like 50lbs I ended up going to the gym for the long haul while still watching what I eat. Now after two years I'm down from 280 to 170-175 and maintaining for the most part.

We baseball fans love us some stats. Sometimes they seem to be more important than the players themselves. We use them to measure the abilities of players against their contemporaries and, with adjustments, against players of other eras. We use them to decide who is worthy of election to the Hall of Fame. And they are

I know Olbermann has given ESPN a lot of grief during his time but man, when he gets it right, he gets it right.

I usually get all cynical and annoyed by all the fame-loving losers who jump on the "good guy" bandwagon once a celebrity dies. But everything I've heard about Scott seems to indicate that he was a genuinely good guy who loved his job. So I've pushed my cynicism and annoyance to the side.

Ughhhh, still brings a tear to my eye. Three hours of Mitch Albom.

In defense of the 40+ crowd, and recent eulogizing notwithstanding, none of this — the font, the clothes, the talk, the people, the facial hair, the music — was cool when it aired.

"VERY allergic to gluten"