
Describing cheesesteaks as "greasy missiles" is slanderously biased journalism. Would you call pizzas "sebaceous piecharts" or hamburgers "bovine slurrycakes"?

I have eaten a cheesesteak from most (if not all) of the popular joints and many more from other places. One thing they all have in common: you feel like death afterwards. The thought of eating more than one of these monstrosities makes me want to dive headfirst out of my office window. That said, they are delicious

Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.

If you can't Dodge it, Ram it.


Do not advertise your pets on CL. Many animals picked on CL end up being used as bait animals for fighting dogs. Make sure you analyze the prospective owners before you hand over the leash.

Dude, this place is amazing. I went stayed at the adjacent hotel on a family tour of the National Parks of the Southwest 8 years ago. As of that time I think the youngest person to survive the challenge was a 12-year-old boy (per the menu) with the oldest a 70-something-year-old woman.

Note: I also disagree that a White Russian is a "wimpy" or "lame" drink to order. They're goddamn delicious. Carry on.


You really gave 110% with this comment...

Seems a little unfair. How come when Lolo Jones loses a race no one takes her flower?

Tara will probably saunter to the mound and regard the baseball with dismissive indifference, and then start licking himself as he steals glances at the clouds. Sort of like Manny Ramirez.

"Hi, yes, my name is Darren Rovell, and I'm concerned that one of your writers, a Mr. J Swift, implores me to eat newborn infants. This is quite troubling, and I advise disciplinary measures posthaste."

If you run barefoot, you strike with your midfoot. Most running shoes teach you to strike with your heel.

He was just demonstrating how to properly say the car's name... "I-BENT-a-DOOR"

360 degrees ain't what it used to be.