Dear Top Gear USA,
Dear Top Gear USA,
"...she had one of the best seasons for a female racer in series history"
This article shows that after many long years, progress is being made. Kickers are finally being accepted as actual members of the football team
I am by no means a professional, but i've been snowboarding since 1994. You can just tell by looking at the nature of the crashes that:
Way to go ESPN, merging two controversial topics in the NFL right now into one piece, an openly gay player and the effects of CTE on ex-players.
"If I were a Deadspin writer..." you'll have to work on your gramm-
Is it truly a loss for Team USA? Advanced metrics have said for years that Klosers are overrated.
Peace and love. Peace and LOVE.
It's still a more functional Left Eye than Lisa Lopes.
He's got a point about your lack of journalistic integrity. You guys never got Lennay Kekua's side of the story, either.
A thin, transparent facade that barely conceals the grim skeleton of false promises and dashed hopes?
Uh, there was an actual Supreme Court behind the tarp, wasn't there?
Greatest nickname ever. "The Pillsbury Throwboy"
Meanwhile, upstate in Tampa, the Bucs text about pus a lot.
If the NFL really cared about preventing 30,000 people from having a miserable time on a Sunday, they'd fold the Jaguars.
“To be fair, we should point out that our tipster did not share his end of the exchanges with us, but we assume he’s a huge asshole, too”
Commence He Hate Me references.
The modern update of Deadwood focused a bit too much on local zoning issues for my tastes.
you won't regret sticking it out