
I only wish there was an argument over standing...

Correction: Laugh at me all you want.

While no one likes to be laughed at, sign me up for his life.

Seriously. What is up with dolphins being mammals? They live in the water!!

In a world of kaiju and jaegers the last place I would live would be a city. Also, how do these streets hold up under giant monsters and robots running on them?

While I don’t advocate kicking horses or abusing any animals, that horse would have barely felt that kick. You ever see two horses fighting? They’re fucking savage. She’s still an entitled prima donna but she wasn’t going to hurt the horse.

Dude. Reese Hopkins is on fire since he got called up. I like our chances next year.

I believe the term is “douchenozzle”.

When Kirk was asked if he liked that, he said he did not like that.

Wow, Novak was hitting almost every ball either down the middle, right back to Theim, or very short — very few of the sharp angles to which we are accustomed. Whether it’s mental or physical, there’s something wrong with him. His former coach Boris Becker agrees:

Yep, every time a guy leapt onto another’s shoulders I would patiently wait for some sort of penalty (or fight), but no — they were allowed to keep going! And the shooty fingers by the refs always had me howling. Good times.

The NFL is 70% black. Josh Gordon is one of a very small number of people who can’t stay off drugs enough to pass drug tests. Another one is Johnny Manziel. It’s just addiction, plain and simple. I’m all for pot being legal, but rules is rules. Last, we don’t know it’s strictly limited to pot.

Thankfully the asst coach looks just like the type of guy to behave like this so I can show his picture to my daughters as a prime example of who to avoid in life.

While Bouchard grunts a little, it’s nothing compared to the full-on sexual ecstasy scream of Sharapova, and anything that silences that is necessarily a good thing.

I watched 20 mins of that film on an airplane and I kept waiting for someone to let me in on the joke. That was the most tone-deaf piece of film making I’ve ever seen.

Who won the contest for having the dearest, most supreme and beloved leader of all of North Korea?

Adults like this are simply the worst. They get off on abuse knowing that the victims are too young, naive or scared to say anything, and will instead live potentially their whole lives in doubt over their own judgment. This doubt will creep into every intimate encounter they have and likely affect their lives in

Near a rock jetty.

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I think I understand your main point. Let me see if I got it right: Bill Frist — fuck him. How was that?